Can you bulk-buy mercari points at the conbini?

My credit card doesn’t work for Mercari, so I’m stuck with conbini topup checkout. However I want to buy about 10 items, and theres a 100 yen fee each time. Is it possible to purchase the points in bulk at the conbini rather than paying a fee for each item?

I’ve spent a while googling and no dice, so I suspect I may be out of luck, but wanted to check before potentially signing 1000 yen away for nothing

edit: If anyone finds this on google, I have yet to find the answer to the above, but if you have apple pay you can topup familymart for free, get a virtual card, then pay with that for free!

  1. You can also sell some unwanted goods, if any, and use that money for payment. Items such as books, electronics, and clothing are very easy to sell.

  2. Not the direct answer to your question, but could you make a Mercari credit card and tie it to your bank? Might be worth looking into if you’re a frequent buyer and eligible for the 4% cashback

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