Travelling across Japan

What’s the best way to travel between cities in Japan without the JR Pass. In terms of budget for some longer term travel.

Like would it be outright Shinkansen tickets or is there better passes i can get depending on the area i’m travelling in, or is there maybe alternatives to the Shinkansen that aren’t as expensive?

Thanks guys!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Travelling across Japan**

    What’s the best way to travel between cities in Japan without the JR Pass. In terms of budget for some longer term travel.

    Like would it be outright Shinkansen tickets or is there better passes i can get depending on the area i’m travelling in, or is there maybe alternatives to the Shinkansen that aren’t as expensive?

    Thanks guys!

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  2. I found it cheaper to fly between cities than take the Shinkansen. Yeah it sucks to have to say that but Shinkansen tickets aren’t cheap. I suppose it depends how far you’re looking to travel, like hopping between close cities vs going from like Tokyo to Osaka.

  3. I mean there are cheaper local trains but they take like two or three times as long.

  4. I can highly recommend you by bus or night bus if you have a lot of spare time. Local/high-speed train (not shinkansen) also a great choice if you have a limited spare time.

  5. In terms of budget? Night bus if you’re by yourself. Car if you’re driving with a family. If memory serves you need about three people in the car to make driving cheaper than taking a night bus (unless you avoid all toll roads).

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