Kanji Coffee

I just wanted to plug a site I’ve used for a long time called Kanji Koohii. It’s a simple companion site for programs like RTK or Wanikani (it’s aimed more at RTK), and it does just one thing: help you come up with good stories for learning new kanji. It makes the whole process of learning kanji waaay less of a slog.

What’s great is that they’ve crowdsourced the stories: anyone can contribute, and good stories get upvoted. People also come up with their own primitive keywords, like ‘Mr. T’ for イ, or Data (from Star Trek) for 忄.

Here’s a story I like from bexinkyushu:

>舎 – I strongly advise calling the combination of elements 土 and 口 a Hobbit. The hobbit more often than not has dirt on his head (from living under a hill), and sometimes wears a garment (no.396 衣). The mouth we see is his, grumbling about something or other. Story: The Hobbit built his cottage under the Hill, using an umbrella as a door, to seal the entrance from the elements and intruders.

And here’s one that I came up with and contributed:

>尚 – For the primitive, I suggest Stage instead. Picture looking down at the stage (口) framed by a curtain (冂) with folds (⺌): 尚. It makes the later stories easier: {賞} Prize (money on stage), {党} Political Party (standing on stage), {裳} Chima Skirt (worn by a performer), {掌} Manipulate (stage-hands), {堂} Public Hall, etc.

And finally, it has stories in other languages, so if you’re a native Spanish speaker, for instance, you can still use it.

So if you’re learning kanji, check it out! It’s free to use, and from everything I’ve heard, the guy that runs it (Fabrice I believe?) is a really nice guy.

  1. Kanji Koohii is a helpful and crowd-sourced online platform that provides creative stories for learning kanji, making the process more engaging and enjoyable.

  2. This site is invaluable if you’re using RTK. As I read or study on my iPad I always have Kanji Koohii up in a sliding window to help. Great way to study.

  3. >So if you’re learning kanji, check it out! It’s free to use, and from everything I’ve heard, the guy that runs it (Fabrice I believe?) is a really nice guy

    He is a really nice guy.

    When the forums were still open, it was obvious he cared. And most importantly, he has spent time interacting with the author of Remembering the Kanji to make sure he respected that book’s copyright, so the site is not going to get taken down.

    There is a donate button on his site. Make sure and donate so he does not have to lose money hosting it. He had to close the forums as it became a time suck to mod them, and if the site as a whole ends up costing him money, he’d have to stop

    Donate to open-source and free tools you use.

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