String Instrument Luthier In Tokyo

I’m wondering where people who play a string instrument (not guitars, but violins/violas/cellos etc) here in Tokyo go to fix their instrument.Unfortunately due to my horrible experience going to one luthier ( spending hundreds of dollars getting things which didn’t even need “fixing”) and my lack of communication skills, I’ve developed an anxiety and stress over this issue, but I need to overcome it since I’ve a concert soon and need to get my instrument fixed. If there’s anyone who has been to a luthier who can communicate in some level of English or you know to be trustworthy and reliable please share!

  1. Nipponviolin.

    They rent and restore lot of extremely valuable instruments including Strads but they can do maintenance as well. They are renouned and respected in Japan.

    All prices are on the website, also in English. I would be surprised if there wasn’t someone who could help you in English.

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