Searching for a 専門学校 or 大学.


First time posting here and hope I am not being a bother. I moved to Japan more than a year ago and have been studying Japanese until now. Next year, I will try to go for Japanese education.

I would like to improve my Japanese and find something in relation with language. So, I was thinking about studying either literature or translation. Problem is, I can’t really decide which school or where to start to chose. I am based in Tokyo but wouldn’t mind moving around when it comes to school.

As such, decided to reach out to ask for some help or advice from anyone that had to go through the same things. Be it website, opinions, or anything really!

I am also sorry for my English, it’s not my native language and I hope I am not making too many mistakes. Thanks a lot for anyone reading it and taking their times!

  1. If I had to choose between Japanese literature or translation, I’d choose translation. I don’t know how you could possibly succeed in a Japanese literature program without high school level fluency.

    Personally, If I was in a position to go to college, I wouldn’t choose either of those degrees. I’d go for something that has better career prospects and find a program that offers intermediate or advanced Japanese language courses.

  2. tokyo university of foreign studies (tufs). Public prestigious school, cheap tuition – country top quality. If you can pass their exam

  3. If your Japanese is not high enough yet but you can barely pass the exam I’d pick a school with a good Japanese program. Or Bekka.

  4. I wouldn’t invest into a translation or language-related career right now with the market already saturated and the explosion of AI LLMs. Whatever jobs still exist in that field in 5 years will be taken by experienced seniors, not fresh graduates.

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