Can I sell handmade goods on Mercari as a side hustle while on my humanities visa?

I have always liked making clay art and resin keychains and accessories as well as cute nail tips and friends I have gifted them to advised me to try selling them. Now, I really want to start an online store and start selling them on Mercari, Creema or Minne while making short YouTube videos and socials to promote them.

I’m not sure if my humanities visa allows it or not but I know plenty of friends with my visa who sell pre order cupcakes and food for special events. I have been doing some research but couldn’t find enough information on it.

  1. Of course you can. I was selling hard on my Humanities visa to pay off school loans.

  2. Hi there ! I’m also selling my art stuff on Mercari with the same visa as you!
    It’s up to you whether you want to fill out a tax return blue sheet but as long as you’re making under 200,000 then it should be okay! I’ve been selling for over a year now and so far it’s been okay.

    Mercari suggests you fill one out if you’re not sure 😄

  3. Based on my memory of older threads, I’m pretty sure you can only sell stuff you’ve bought but no longer need without permission from immigration. If you want to make stuff to sell or buy to resell, I’m pretty sure you need permission from immigration.

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