Loud truck every night

Hi, wondering what I can do about this and if there are any laws against it. I live right next to a My basket マイバスケット and every single night at about 11:20-00:10 am there is this super load truck putting away garbage, loading shelves etc. Super loud and I cannot sleep during that time. Is there anything I can do?

  1. Get a Japanese person to write them an anonymous letter telling them to keep things quiet. People here tend to write anonymous letters here to avoid confrontation.

  2. Unfortunately nothing you can do other than physically defend yourself from the noise, which is earplugs.
    Foam offers best isolation, but it can feel stuffy.

    Some audio shop like e-earphone also offer custom molded earplugs for best comfort.

    Strong zero works too.

  3. You chose to live near a store. Deliveries happen, especially when traffic into the store is minimal. This is why it’s a good idea to visit potential living spaces at various times and days.

    You’re received for advice. Good luck.

  4. You chose to live near a マイバスケ, your choice again to move somewhere else.
    No business is going to care how you slept, that’s including the 管理会社.

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