Cheap places to stay in Shinkjujku/Shibuya

Where are some cheap places to stay in Shibuya/Shinjuju for about 5 days ????????????????? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Tokyo.

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  2. Just look up any hotel aggregator site, put in your budget and compare the rooms.

  3. 〒160-0021 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Kabukicho, 1 Chome−2−5 東陽ビル 3F

  4. Net cafes are cheaper than capsule hotels, as long as you have a Japanese address (required to gain membership). There, you also get a computer to use! Quality varies, some give a private room that’s like a tiny hotel room, in others it’s more of a cubicle.

  5. Back in my broke days I’d always stay in net cafes when I traveled around Japan. About 1,400yen for 6 hours of kip. Plus an extra 100yen for a shower. It was a decent room with a kind of mattress and pillow.

    It was easy when I was younger and could function on just a few hours of sleep. Could never do it now tho

  6. There are three star hotel rooms available across Shibuya and Shinjuku for under $60 a night these days.

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