Yahoo! News Comment Warning message when submitting a comment has been changed.

Thank you for using Yahoo! News.

We would like to inform you that we have changed the content of the posting of “Warning messages when posting”, which is one of our efforts to deter inappropriate posting in advance.

Since June 2018, Yahoo! News has been implementing ‘posting suspension measures’ for malicious users who repeatedly post offending comments multiple times, and in November 2022, we have made it mandatory to set a mobile phone number when posting comments in order to ensure that such measures can be implemented more reliably (*1)
In addition, from July 2020, in order to deter the posting of offending comments in advance, caution messages began to be posted for users who have posted comments judged to be in breach of the comment policy multiple times, and this has had a certain deterrent effect (*2).

In response to the amendment to the Provider Liability Limitation Act, which came into force in October 2022, the latest changes include the following: ‘With regard to slander and defamation, a simplified court procedure has been introduced for the disclosure of information on posters in accordance with the amendment to the Act.’ The content of this article has been added. The law also reiterates that “Postings that are offensive, insulting or defamatory to individuals are prohibited.” and warns against repeated offending postings.

For more information on the details of the amendments to the Provider Liability Limitation Act, see ([Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ Response to Illegal and Harmful Information on the Internet (Provider Liability Limitation Act) (external website)]

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