みんなの日本語L24-4: こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. Write your sentences with “Te form +あげます”. I will correct your sentences for JLPT N5 Beginner and Intermediate level learners.

**①Improvement of Writing: Instruction**

1, See the below “☆Basic Example Dialogue”, Try to write single sentences or Dialogue style with Grammar topic **“**Te form +あげます**”** and post your sentences within 48 hours from posting this thread.

2, Beginner Level: It is OK to write just simple sentence by only Hiragana. (It is easy-to-read to make space between word and word). A lot of mistakes are necessary for improvement, so you do not have to hesitate.

3, Intermediate Level: See the below “☆Advanced Example Dialogue”. If you use this time Grammar topic **“**Te form +あげます**”** **at least once**, you can make your dialogue freely. It is also OK to add more Person A&B part to make longer Dialogue.

4, I will comment and correct your sentences. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limited time, I try to comment. Also, I welcome you to follow Reddit account.


**②Example Dialogues**

So, Today’s grammar topic is **“**Te form +あげます”.

I cited below \[\*1\] sentence and translation from Page 152 in Minna No Nihongo Second Edition Elementary Japanese 1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English. To make dialogue structure, based on \[\*1\] sentence, I wrote \[\*2\] Question sentence as Person A’s line. I added “\[ \] My grammar interpretation”.

**“☆Basic Example Dialogue”**

A: Bさんは  きむらさん に なにを かして(Te) あげましたか。\[\*2\]

Bsan wa kimurasan ni naniwo kashite agemashitaka。

What did you lend Ms. Kimura?

B: わたしは  きむらさん に ほんを かして  あげました。\[\*1\]

watashiwa kimurasan ni honwo kashite agemashita。

I lent Ms. Kimura a book. \[\*1\]

\[As for the meaning “Verb Te form + あげます”, I imagined “Subject gives a help to someone through Verb, taking action.” かします sounds just “to lend”. On the other hand, かして(Teform)+あげますcontains a nuance “To help someone” or “Although Subject does not have obligation to do, Subject does something for someone in good faith. ” \]


**“☆Advanced Example Dialogue”**

A: チンさんはベンさんに何を届(とど)けてあげたんですか。

B: 今日の会議で使う大切な書類(しょるい)を届けてあげたらしいですよ。


A: 書類は会議が始まる前に、届いたんですか。

B: ぎりぎり届いたらしいですよ。

If you add \[ \] explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and correct your sentences more accurately.



3A Corporation 2012, *Minna No Nihongo Second Edition – Elementary Japanese1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English*, 3A Corporation, Tokyo.

ISBN-10: 4883196046

スリーエーネットワーク(2012), 「みんなの日本語 初級I 第版 本冊」, スリーエーネットワーク.


**④Question and Comment**

If you have some questions about topic, ask me on the comment section. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limited time, I try to comment back.

(Educational post, once a week)

  1. Aさん:Bくんに何を手伝ってあげましたか。

    > Mr. A: What did you help Kid B with?


    > I gave money to Kid B.


    > Why did you do that?


    > Mr. C: Kid B looked like he wanted to buy a toy.


    > Mr A: What kind of toy?

    Cさん: カラフルな独楽でした。

    > Mr. C: A colorful top.

  2. – A: ソラ,なんでそんな顔?
    – B: 宿題は難しいよ全然わかんない
    – A: 見せてくれ.
    – A: あ,そうか,この問題は難しいと思う?
    – B: はい,理解できる?お兄ちゃんすごいよ
    – A: まあ,大人になったら,ソラもわかるよ
    – A: こっち来い,教えてあげるよ

  3. はる: おはようおばあちゃん!

    おばあちゃん: はる!いいときに来たね!

    はる: え?

    おばあちゃん: この箱を家に持って行け。

    はる: 了解!おばあちゃんに手を貸してあげる。

    おばあちゃん: それは高いから気を付けるね!

    はる: 箱に何が入ってるの?

    おばあちゃん: 高級のぶどうだ。落とさないでね!

    はる: はあああい〜

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