Good Cannoli in Tokyo

Tokyo resident with Italian parentage. So, any decent cannoli in Tokyo anywhere?

  1. Italian in Tokyo for the past 6 years here. Haven’t found any good ones, even Eataly has sucky ones

  2. I think a good cannoli shop would be a big hit in Tokyo and receive so much media coverage – someone could make serious coin.

  3. I can only offer a long term solution of going to Panzerotteria and convincing the awesome grandpa there to add it to his menu.

  4. I’m not saying it’s good, as I’ve never tried cannoli either there or elsewhere.

    But I often walk past this place and they advertise cannoli, they even have a picture of it if you look at Google Street view.

    IL BACARO ALMA 日本橋コレド室町

  5. I like lasagna **without** cottage cheese or… damn, it’s been so long since I’ve had lasagna period that I forget what the other ingredient I don’t want is.

    C… something? A cheese?

    Need to go home for a week of solid actual food that tastes like what I expect it to taste like. I remember going to the Hub (ages ago, when I first got here and there were limited warnings online) and ordered garlic toast and my mouth is like “why are we eating this?”

    Google helped me out. Ricotta cheese. No, thank you!

  6. There’s a cafe chain called Antico Caffe al Avis. They have cannoli which I find to be good. Full disclosure though, I didn’t have one in Italy and I am not Italian so nothing to compare it to sorry.

  7. I didn’t even find any good ones living in Italy to be honest. Shit pastry

  8. The canolli you make, sadly. The Japanese are Francophiles not Italophiles unfortunately. I say this as a well trained Italian, French and German Chef

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