Child abuse at Juku

Just saw an adult male teacher hit a 10yo boy in the balls multiple times until then kid was folded over at his desk saying he couldn’t study bc he was in pain. This was the last straw and I can’t stand this work environment anymore. In my mind it went from borderline to definitely child abuse. I can’t imagine the parents not wanting to kill this guy when they find out.

I’ve seen this same teacher constantly humiliate and insult students, calling them ブタ、デブ、etc constantly. He threatened to put a clothes pin on another kid’s dick if he didn’t stop going to the bathroom so often.

This same teacher has a class with a bunch of girls about 12yo, and every time he has them he stops the class for 10-15 minutes to do non-stop inquiry into their dating lives. It just seems weird and gross, and their parents are paying for them to study, not whatever this is.

This teacher is a 50yo Japanese man. This is a Juku, not an eikaiwa.

It’s just insane. Not sure what I should do. But I’m definitely leaving. I don’t want to be involved in a place like this.

This isn’t exactly asking for advice I just wanted to vent.

  1. Doesn’t matter where it is, getting hit in the balls is not ok. Escalate!!

    EDIT you have one life. If I saw shit like that I wouldn’t be able to sleep. Secretly record it, tell you bosses, or kick that mfer deep where it hurts, but if you see and don’t do anything then you de also complicit

  2. WTF? Please escalate and also leave. At least bring it up with the parents or higher ups if not directly to the police? I hope the boy’s parents get legal action as well…

  3. This has to be reported to the authorities right away. If you just look away then you’re part of the problem. This fool is insane and needs to be stopped now.

  4. I wouldn’t even want my child going to this juku. I want to know what establishment name is.

    As others stated if you don’t do anything your contributing to this matter by not saying anything. I know your feared and scarred for retaliation but this is wrong. If this was your child that was going to juku and was happening to him/her wouldn’t you want to know? Wouldn’t you want this to stop? The kids are also scarred and not saying anything to their parents. This is so sad for them.

  5. How is this a question?? Report it immediately! He beat a child! Call the police.

  6. Unfortunately that kind of stuff is normalized, especially with the older generation.

    However that doesn’t make it okay and it’s still abuse and assault. The police should arrest the guy according to the law.

  7. Please escalate this. This isn’t ‘just’ abuse, the constant fixation of this person to injure boys private parts as a form of punishment and inquiring young girls about their dating life gives me huge sexual predator vibes.

  8. It’s both physical abuse and sexual abuse. Touching a child’s balls, commenting on a penis, asking schoolgirls about their love lives. Report this!

  9. Get the parents, police and media on this piece of human-garbage’s case. Nevermind abuse, it’s straight-up assault. Fuck your boss dry with a rusty pipe if they’ve been defending this shitworm.

  10. Don’t confront him. That’s not your job. Don’t put your safety in jeopardy. Although it’s hard to let this go on any longer, I think you should consider taking advantage of your position as an insider to get actual incontrovertible audio or video evidence of these very serious crimes, and then take them to the police and the media at the same time. Again I don’t recommend putting yourself at risk by uploading them to your own tiktok/twitter/insta but getting this out on social media will help the police find the willpower to act quickly.

  11. Record it secretly (even an audio recording is good if you’re worried about being noticed) and go to a police station with the evidence the next day. You can ask to be kept anonymous. For all this POS knows any one of the kids or their parents or any of the staff could have ratted on him. If it’s anonymous he has absolutely no way of knowing that it was you until it’s too late and he’s in an interrogation room being played the evidence.

    Don’t be afraid to dob him in. The children sure as heck are too terrified to tell their parents about this so you need to speak up for them instead.

    Others have suggested this in comments but some of what this teacher is doing to these children crosses the line into SA. Whatever you do, *do not* stand idly by while this is happening.

    Sincerely, a survivor of childhood abuse.

  12. Report it to someone at your closest Japanese Health, Labour and Welfare office and ask them for advice. They are familiar in dealing with situations where there’s an asymmetric balance of power, i.e. issues between the boss and an employee. They have lawyers for free consultation and will intercede on your behalf without you needing to get involved. It’s one of the few socialist institutions left in Japan that help workers.

  13. Uh, is this juku located in Tokyo or in the middle of nowhere?
    You need to record evidence of this nonsense, submit it so there is no doubt. Talk to a lawyer and explain the situation.

  14. What the F**K?!?! This is very clearly extreme child abuse, there is no doubt or question about it. I hope you’ve reported this teacher to several avenues- higher-ups at the school, police. I’m sure others can help you with the correct actions to take.

  15. Why are you posting about this horrendous abuse and then saying “actually no I won’t do anything about it”
    What was the purpose of even making this post?
    I… 🤯🤯🤯

    If no one else is stepping in, you have a duty here. Nothing will happen to you

  16. I do see abusive teacher or student videos on the news sometimes. I agree with the media part, name and shame. Many students(not all) are at juku because their parents want them to go to some future prestigious jr high or high school. Unfortunately they probably won’t say anything because they may be there to fulfill their parents’ desires.

  17. OP look into 公益通報 if you don’t want to go to the police. It’s a formal way of whistle blowing as a worker. You could potentially do this and be safe.

    IMO though, getting video footage and posting this like crazy on Japanese Twitter and handing it to media outlets anonymously would be the most damages you could do. Legality becomes a bit iffy though so be careful.

  18. Your childish username (ppbutthole) and the fact this is a Saturday night leads me to believe you are a sad little troll with nothing better to do.

    If this is real.

    What kind of man would even watch this and not stop it?

    What kind of man has time to create a second reddit account and post about to “vent”.

    Is this something you fantasize about?

    Mods should log his IP

  19. We never get to choose our circumstances to do the right thing. I feel you when you say you just want to do your job and not worry about this shit, but the pain of regret will stick with you forever if you do nothing to help those kids. Nows ur chance to make the world a better place for them.

    That said, I think you should play this carefully. Simply reporting to the police without evidence could result in the police using their signature move of “looking the other way” i.e. nothing. Then you may be in a tough spot.

    Concrete evidence is a must imo. Not hearsay, not consensus, EVIDENCE. Catching it on camera is probably best. Have a plan B in the event that the police choose not to/cannot help you. Id also make an attempt at resolving this anonymously to avoid retaliation. You never know what folks like him are capable of when cornered.

    Whatever happens, godspeed.

  20. This seems like another fake story, like the salary man bike accident thread and the ‘I’ve been to jail 4 times’ AMA

  21. I would NEVER confront him. I would secretly film what’s going on with my phone or secret camera if need be. Then i would just leave/send the video in a post anonymously as possible to a police. “Idk about rules in japan for recording someone secretly. Even if someone is committing a crime you might be committing another crime by recording them without their consent idk I’m not a lawyer.

  22. Escalate, I wouldn’t be surprised if the company tries to screw you over but at least you wont have a guilty conscience.

  23. Record and report it to the parents.

    You’re concerned about repercussions to your family, but now imagine if your child were in another Juku, and was being abused. Would you let it continue? If not, why would you let it happen to other kids?

  24. – Too many details, as if you were in the classroom all the time (you are a coworker, not a student)
    – Stupid username
    – You changed the narrative in the comments saying this guy is the owner
    I am sure there are a bunch of discrepancies in your comments but I won’t even bother looking further.
    [Remember that a lot of posts here are trolls](


    Like ffs, there is no other correct response to being within striking distance of stopping this behavior.

    Don’t be complacent.
    Don’t be a coward.

    Do something.

  26. There’s a special place in hell for people who take advantage of and abused children. Tell the authorities. Tell the parents. You gain nothing by confronting the owner directly. The only thing that will do is give him a chance to threatening the children to keep their mouth shut, cover up whatever he did, or make any accusations against him appear to not be credible.

  27. FAKE. No way other kids dont go home and blab to mum and dad about what just happened to little Hirosh’s kintama in class today.

  28. So you have let thisan abuse children…as you say “constantly” and have done nothing about it? You are part of the problem.

  29. OP you need to escalate this to the police. Standing by and doing nothing, watching this man assault and abuse children is almost the same doing it yourself.

    Contact the boys parents. And inform them of what you saw. Have the kid write a statement.

    Contact the police and urge the parents to do the same. Impress upon them that this is not the first time this man has assaulted a child.

    Contact the parents of all children who have been physically assaulted by this man. Urge them to contact the police.

    If he is doing all of this so blatantly out in the open. I shudder to think about what he might be getting away with behind closed doors.

    Legally or not, you have a duty to protect those kids.

  30. why are you here wasting time on this post? you should be at a principal office and calling police

  31. No need to leave immediately unless management are permitting this. Even then, staying and forcing them to change is better for the kids. Make a list of everything he has done. If you can also record his behaviour, if possible. Ask for a performance review or a reference so they say you are great and won’t be able to diee you after you bring up the abuse. Then, you have two options:

    1. Take it to the police
    2. Take it to the owners

    You can also warn the owners that you are about to take it to the police by saying something like, I think this abuse needs to be reported to the police. They might be worried about the fall out and will likely just want to fuee him. Even if they love him, they will know they can’t control this.

    Final option if no one listens is to make some fliers and give them to all the students, explain how neither police nor management took any action, and so you are informing them yourself. In that case, I would leave.

  32. I call BS.

    Most functioning adults would know exactly, 100% what to do.

    The ones that can’t be bothered, wouldn’t then go post about it asking for advice.

    You are clearly a troll

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