I can’t seem to find any information regarding the minimum deposit I need to open a bank account at 7bank, Shinsei, or Rakuten. Still unsure of which one to pick too, I don’t need anything too fancy and just need to be able to use a debit card, withdraw at an ATM, and get paid by an employer. I would’ve gone with Sony Bank, but I’m under 20. I would appreciate any advice :), thank you!
1 yen I think. It is the last thing you should consider when choosing.
For my bank it is 1000 yen
> I would’ve gone with Sony Bank, but I’m under 20. I would appreciate any advice :), thank you!
FYI you can get an account with Sony if you are under the age of 18, but the sign up has to be done by mail in Japanese. [Here](https://moneykit.net/visitor/account/account13.html#sec04) is the info.
Most banks don’t have a minimum balance to open an account, and don’t have a minimum balance to keep an account (above 1 yen anyway).
Most banks also don’t have a monthly fee, but f.e. Prestia does.
Iny the other hand, having a certain balance might give you more interest, free ATM usage, etc.
Zero. I never had to deposit anything opening a bank account.
Bank 1: ¥500
Bank 2: ¥100
Bank 3: ¥1
Walk in with 100mil in cash. That should be enough to get their attention.
I’ve never heard of a bank in Japan that has minimum deposit. Prestia charges a monthly fee if the balance falls below a certain amount but they won’t close your account just because it’s below a set number.
I actually opened an account with 0 yen once. But it will depend on the bank as others mentioned. Usually not more than 1000 yen.
Just to say, I struggled with my first couple of attempts because of my name (I have two middle names) which screwed up various online application systems and by having been here a very short time.
So I went to my local Yubin and opened an account there. It can all be done in person. They produced a nice katakana version of my name (easier to spell than my actual one in English). For a long time I survived on the Yubin and cash (later assisted a bit by Waon). My employer paid to the Yubin, I used an ATM to get cash out etc.
I am not saying this will happen to you, just that there’s a fallback that should work.