View of youth towards Comfort Station incident.

I’ve been reading a lot lately about the controversy surrounding the Comfort Station incident that happened during World War II, and I’m curious what young people think of it.

  1. Well one thing for sure is that you won’t find young Japanese on this subreddit. Maybe there are one or two?

  2. I’ve only been able to speak to a couple of senior high kids at my school about this subject, since they have the language capacity to do so, and for them, that time was so long ago it might as well have been an entirely different planet. Thanks to that, they’ve no internal conflict over accepting it was reality. No skin in the game, so to speak. These kids are also heavily into K-Pop and other Korean things, because for them, what’s going on nowadays in their age group is what matters. The old bastards can argue until their dying breath but its not gonna stop youths enjoying another country and its interesting culture.

  3. Yeah, it’s good to see that both nations are moving forward, but it surely surprised me how Japan got away with its war crimes, which reminds me of the current position of Russia.

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