Paidy won’t let me use their services

Essentially, I signed up for Paidy in august last year where I was told I can’t use the Visa card or deferred payments. Now, some 8 months later, I still can’t use it.

The original email with the decision said;


I seem to be the only foreigner with this issue as googling yields nothing and everyone I work with said they have 0 issues with the service. I don’t understand why this is the case? Has anyone else had this problem? Can it be resolved? I emailed them a while back but got no response. I’m honestly stumped….

  1. In the app in what I assume is the pay monthly section, it says;


  2. When you can’t get a reason it’s usually because you tripped up something in fraud prevention. Can be frustrating I know.

  3. I had the same, I just gave up.

    Paidy (non-apple) is handled as a credit card service.
    They have the right to deny you usually based on your residency period, and share the infornation with the credit service so applying for ccs within 6 months will f you over too.

  4. if you failed the credit cards and this too means your credit score is not good enough for them. How do they judge this is base on your income, your tax payment and of course your residential duration

  5. Had the same issue last year and I accidentally deleted my account so now I can’t use it with my current mobile number 🙃, but it’s okay I’ve got other credit cards so I’m good! Apple also has Orico but it doesn’t always show up and I don’t know what’s the criteria for it to show up.

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