My sister quit a job but she didn’t get her 2 month salaries.

My sister has been working as a Java full-stack web developer in a Chinese company in Japan for 200k yen per month. She worked for 9 months but still, her salary didn’t increase. So she decided to quit that job. And her boss was mad at her for quitting. He said he can’t pay her remaining salaries. So my sister told him if he won’t pay, she’d definitely sue him for breaking labour’s right. He said go for it. My sister went to labour related origination and reported that she didn’t get her salaries. The organization didn’t give much help. They just sent warnings to the company to give her salaries. That’s all they did. They can’t take any other actions. My sister also asked that if she can report to the police or not. They said the police can’t take actions as well, she’ll just have to sue him on court. Is this really serious? The Japanese police can’t also investigate on the company breaking laws?
She’s about to go back to her country now because she can’t afford to hire a lawyer and actually sue him. That company might probably knew that. They also didn’t give salaries on 3 people including her. Any advice for her please.

  1. Police typically deal with criminal law.

    Lawyers deal with labor law.

    That’s how it is in my home country and it seems to be the same here in Japan. It’s not abnormal.

  2. The advice is what she was already told. If the labor office failed to get the company to do the right thing, the next step is lawyering up.

    Typically a lawyer would charge a relatively cheap amount to write a demand letter. It is possible that the former employer could receive the demand letter and realize that it’s better to pay the money rather than risk having to be dragged through court.

  3. Im a little confused. Why did she expect the salary to increase after only 9 months of work? Usually salary increases are once a year, and after a full year of work.

  4. > She’s about to go back to her country now because she can’t afford to hire a lawyer and actually sue him.

    Alllll of this because she didn’t get a raise in 9 mo? Honestly I don’t know what she was thinking here but I guess lesson learned. Don’t quit your job if you don’t have one lined up. Especially over such an unreasonable expectation of getting a raise in less than a year lol

    Unless she deals with the legal system it’s unlikely anything will happen so she needs to pick her battles. If the cost of staying in a place she can’t afford fighting a legal battle is worth the 2mo salary

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