What with the uptick in foreigners causing trouble?

Recently I have seen an uptick of videos of foreigners in Japan doing foolish acts and getting in trouble for it, usually in the form of being disturbing on the train. That Somalian guy was of course one case that I think just about everyone has heard about already, but I have seen several others since then and I saw a video of a guy sitting on the train blaring awful dubstep music while livestreaming and then started a fight with Japanese people who told him he was being annoying and he began yelling at them to speak English and accused them of being racist.

Why are there so may of these guys recently? And while I don’t mean to be insulting, they seem to be lacking in intelligence and basic manners so my primary question is how do people like that even get a visa in the first place? This is a country, not a playground, and I don’t appreciate these people coming here to cause trouble like that.

I hope I don’t need to reiterate this but in many ways you represent your country and your people through the way you live your every day life. Don’t break rules, don’t break laws, and don’t cause problems for other people. Think of the people around you and how your actions and your words affect them. And you live in a foreign country now, so please learn the language and don’t expect everyone to talk to you in English. Blend in. Follow the rules, follow the laws, follow the social norms, and make friendships within the local community. Please. I hope that nobody in this community needs to hear this message but you never know.

  1. borders are open. majority of the visitors are from countries that don’t need a tourist visa. they are free to come and go as they wish.

    idiots are gonna be idiots

  2. The dubstep video was months ago.
    Those guys are obviously dicks but really, who cares?
    I didn’t do it. And if someone judges me
    As a foreigner based on those 2 people (or the French dude that punched a girl), I don’t want to socialize with those people anyways.
    Don’t care.

  3. Why are there more of these guys? Short answer: monetizing of social media. People’s obsession with Japan + a must.do.content! mindset set this up. These people are getting attention – I haven’t seen any of those videos yet I know about them. So people are jumping on this before it gets “popular”. And when I say people, I mean assholes.
    I also assume they are all tourists. We didn’t have these type of posts while the border was closed.

  4. It’s not just gaijins though – sushi terrorism by Japanese people come to mind.

    There’s just more people who video things and it is easier to share said videos.

    There’s been stupid people everywhere all this time. You just didn’t see them as much.

  5. Probably cause no action was taken against their stupid antics.
    I would have thought that that Somalian clown would at least have gotten a public nuisance charge.

  6. People who post any idiotic things like this shouldn’t get monetized rewards for them.

  7. I hate being that guy blaming the post-pandemic mindset but a lot of people doing stupid shit since then. Yesterday one popular Tokyo matsuri resumed after a 4 year hiatus and there were fights left and right. 2 festivals in my area in Nara had festivals shut down after the hiatus due to fights galore breaking out.

  8. Sure… I was in Kabukicho-yesterday afternoon and saw one foreign lady (white and overweight) standing in front of kabukicho tower wantering in circles shot mumbling how everyone was going to be in trouble.

    Then again I saw a old Japanese women on a bike with a PA system repeating “nihonngo suujimasu ka?” not 10 minutes later.

    Crazy people are everywhere, it just amazes me that some of them have the money to afford plane tickets. It’s easy to get a tourist visa, nobody checks your manners first.

  9. I mean that’s literally two men. If two men over the course of several months is an uptick then idk what to say. If anything there is just more people filming things compared to years ago, so you see these things more as they’re caught in video. I see a lot more than two Japanese people every few months causing trouble IRL, or on video. It’s not a foreigner thing.

    Just off the top of my head there are several videos of Japanese people licking communal items at restaurants, I saw a video yesterday on Twitter of some Japanese men making a woman do dogeza and then kicking her repeatedly, the guy in Hokkaido who screamed at two young girls for not wearing masks and caused a huge scene, a video of some “toyoko kids” fighting in the streets, a Japanese guy making out with a child sex doll on the train, several videos of salarymen fighting each other on the train, the video of the two middle aged Japanese men who were role playing getting chikan’d on the train (one was acting as the chikan, one was dressed as a schoolgirl) and causing a big commotion and scene.

  10. because they have no real talent, and being controversial can still help them go viral

  11. Poor French bento puncher, everyone has forgotten about him for flavor of the month Johnathan Somali.

  12. Iceposeidon and asian andy did it too, years ago. I guess it’s not a new trend, just has more visibility now

  13. They’ve unfortunately embraced being a clout demon. Unless something is done about live streaming in stores or trains, it’s going to continue.

  14. You’d be surprised the depths untalented and unskilled people will go for attention and try to “make a living” off social media. Thanks to the internet, we now can all marvel at human stupidity. Such people always existed, they just never had a spotlight.

  15. No travel restrictions, I’m assuming these trouble makers weren’t vaxxed so they weren’t coming when there were travel restrictions.

  16. It’s an uptick in people filming. It’s an uptick in foreigners visiting again.

  17. Johnny Somali is a US passport holder and has been now been confronted on the street multiple times, assaulted, doxxed, and kicked out of his share house because people actually came there to confront him. He managed to piss off a group of Japanese YouTubers who basically set up a hotline to find him wherever he’s causing trouble.

    While I don’t support or condone this sort of behavior one can only hope that word gets around and it stops some of the “yo dude it was just a joke” guys from coming here thinking they can be assholes without consequence.

  18. There’s a page on facebook which posts disturbing behaviours from Japanese people as well. I always thought they’re so polite but what I saw taught me better, especially the young people.
    As for foreigners; I don’t know why somebody visits a country and doesn’t want to respect the rules, they must have big problems with their ego’s and demanding that others speak in English WHILE IN JAPAN is quite funny.

  19. The uptick in question is minuscule isn’t it.

    I did enjoy one of those getting slapped at random.

  20. Not specific to foreigners but I feel like people everywhere are getting sick of the amount of idiots in the world these days. I know it’s more noticeable due to how available it is via video/social media and of course the world has always had idiots, but it just feels like recently the world is going absolutely nuts.

  21. This sort of bullshittery isn’t new, we just had a very nice break from it while the borders were closed or restricted. One of the more notorious pre-pandemic examples was Logan Paul filming a suicide victim in the forest near Fuji.

  22. Let’s be real there isn’t that many, it’s just a few annoying assholes that keep making the media rounds. There will always be arrogant twats thinking they are funny by harassing people going about their day.

  23. Both are live streamers doing shit to get more money from their viewers. They were always asshats but the internet has now given them an opportunity to make money with this.

  24. Sites like Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok have algorithms in favor of “shock factor”-type content which naturally gets more engagement. So more people creating them, even Japanese. It can appear like something is happening more often than usual.

  25. Idiots are gonna idiot and some idiots like to make their idiocy a public display. Small idiots, like those who ignore signs not to sit on old rock walls, often go unnoticed but, boy are there a lot of them. Loud idiots are smaller in number but garner the attention of us all, which is really what they are after. Social media really is the downfall of mankind.

    It sucks. It makes all of us look bad really. I’m just happy these clowns don’t make it down here to the 田舎.

  26. Social media brain rot has gotten much worse and some social media platforms’ algorithms seem to be boosting anything that keeps eyeballs on the phone screen. It’s not like JohnnySomali-types exist only in Japan. Just look at UK and Mizzy, who might be doing even worse things. We are only noticing someone like him because social media enabled him and now the media – including us people over here in this subreddit – continue giving these kinds of peoples attention – any kind of attention.

    Added to that, Japan was back to the pre-Perry era for a while, so it became an exotic target for some. Personally, I am also wondering how much of stereotypes and reputation of Japan play into this. It’s not like Japan is known for tough policing, for example. Let me put it like this: China was closed for a long while as well, but you don’t see foreigners pulling this stuff over there because consequences would be quite different.

  27. They are nobodies. It’s wild that so many people that hate these nobodies yet know every single detail about them. I wonder how many hate clicks they get for their streams. Stop giving these folks attention people.

  28. This is nothing new, back as far 2014/5 an American “pickup artist” came to Japan and made an ass of himself, then there was one of the Paul Brothers in Aokigahara forest. Borders are now open and there are more of these chodes then ever, so ’tis the season.

  29. Is there really an uptick? I don’t think there is. Maybe a couple of videos have been shared recently, but it certainly doesn’t feel like a long term trend to me. You have to also be mindful of what “the algorithm” shows. If you watched/engage with one video of a dumbass in Japan then it’ll think you want to see more. This in turn will signal ot dumbasses that the algorithm favours dumbass content, and the cycle continues.

    Lookup Shibuya Meltdown for photos/videos of Japanese people being obnoxious every single day. They’re mostly salarymen/women passed out in pools of their own vomit on the street or in trains, but occasionally there’s someone going off as bad the recent sorts of videos of criminal behaviour by foreigners.

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