Apple just increased the price of an iPhone Pro in Japan by nearly 20%

The cheapest iPhone currently available from Apple, the 64GB third-generation iPhone SE, has gone up from 57,800 yen ($423) to 62,800 yen ($459). Whereas the entry-level model of the iPhone 13 Pro now costs 144,800 yen ($1,060), while the previous price was 122,800 yen ($899).

They’re getting the increases in now so consumers don’t have as much sticker shock with the iPhone 14 announcing at the end of summer. Really hope they don’t raise everything else by as much. Cheaper Apple products is one of the nice perks about living here.

  1. I just checked on the uk site, an iPhone 13 pro is £949. The 144,800 yen from the Japan apple site appears to be (using Revolut exchange) £920 converted.

    I read about the hikes as well due to the falling yen, but I’m still a little confused per the above.

    I wouldn’t want the Japan camera stuff even if it were cheaper anyway. But if it’s so expensive for some currencies, maybe it’s worth buying home and shipping here?

  2. Then don’t upgrade. There is rarely any difference between iPhone versions.

  3. They jacked up the ipad prices too. Thank f I bought the pro a few weeks ago.

  4. “Cheaper Apple products ~~is~~ was one of the nice perks about living here.”

    Fixed that for ya.

    Won’t just be iPhones too, if this yen doesn’t stop it’s plummeting to the depths of expensive overseas Cheese etc.

  5. wouldn’t affect me for the next 2-3 yrs. My XS is still working great. By that time the exchange rate might be back to what it was before.

  6. So I am guessing demand will go up by like 40%. Its apple, price isn’t related to function.

  7. I’m probably going to replace the battery on my 6s for a second time. Don’t see a real need to get anything better right now, anyway.

  8. Next one’s gonna hurt the bank. I need to upgrade and my mindset is, get the best phone and use it until it no longer works. I’ve been holding onto my 6S (great phone) since release, but it can’t be used for more than an hour without dying. Not that big of an issue with an external battery, but still — looking forward to a new camera.

  9. Totally understandable.

    Considering the cost of 1 USD has gone up from 113 yen to 135 yen (+20%) I don’t think this has anything to do with iPhone 14, except for maybe timing.

    They were probably waiting to see if JPY would recover, and this shows they think the decreased value of JPY is here to stay for a while.

  10. Another way of buying cheap Apple Products is going to Book Off or Big Kamera. They have used apple products there. I bought a used iPhone 11 Pro Max (SIM FREE) last year at Bookoff. it was 128,000 yen. It’s still in great condition and it helped me get away from my dad’s old iPhone 6S he gave me when I first came to Japan.

  11. I bought a GoPro 8 a few years ago from Australia and got my brother to send it to me for around $250 cheaper than what I could buy it from in Japan. Nothing makes sense

  12. Apple makes a good product but the company is just so damn evil. Might as well be buying angel food cake from Hitler at this point.

    I mean just a month ago they were beating employees because they were trying to escape forced slavery in Shanghai.

  13. It’s not just iPhones, all their products went up by a similar percentage.

  14. Keep in mind Apple has like $1,000,000,000,000 in the bank. That’s a trillion dollars sitting in the bank. More than any other company. And they jack up prices…go ahead support that.

  15. And this is why I recently switched to android. Bought an oppo for 20.000 yen on mercari and it outperforms my iPhone X by miles.

    Higher refresh, bigger screen, newer oled screen more vibrant, more storage, expandable storage with sd card, headphone jack!, better or equal camera, usb-c, and after a lot of playing around with android os/color os, I have it doing stuff I couldn’t do with iOS. So many more features.

    Bottom line, android phones can do everything iPhones can do without costing over 100,000yen.

    From my iPhone X to the new 13, I saw very few changes over time. Slightly larger screen, slightly better camera, slightly faster chip? Does that justify what they ask for? No.

  16. lol why do people insist on paying so much for a phone when it’s clearly too expensive for them else they wouldn’t complain about the price.

  17. What’s the point of iphone when there is no network. More than 24 hours with no network. Ty kddi and AU.

  18. Apps on iTunes sometimes go through prices increase too due to exchange rate

  19. I got my iPhone 13 pro max 1TB in a November. I paid 194,800 yen, now it’s 234,800 yen for the same thing. This is gonna be my phone for 5 years.

  20. I recently set up a Turkish Apple ID to buy and rent movies on my Apple TV. Rentals are 3.99 to 4.99 which is about ¥50. Bought the 4 Indiana jones movies for maybe ¥300 as well. If u have an Apple TV and watch movies in English it’s well worth it. There are a few with Japanese subs but not many.

  21. This has been explained already as adjusting to the new exchange rate.

    The mac prices were updated a few weeks ago. iPhone seems to have had a few extra weeks of a big discount in USD terms.

  22. With the exception of an annoying issue with Bluetooth on some devices (my watch will, about once a day, disconnect and then repeatedly try to reconnect until I turn Bluetooth on my phone off and back on and some weaker devices require wifi/cell to be off to establish a connection (but my headphones work without issue)), I’ve been happy with my switch to Android. There have only been a couple of cases where only an iPhone app exists for something (and one was just a point card for a shopping place).

  23. Thanks for the heads up I just bought the 13 pro from rakuten mobile before price hike.

  24. I got this OPPO phone with 6 gigs of data. It’s super cheap, and I am somehow able to stream from my phone as I cruise around Japan. I don’t understand how data works, I guess, but I will never see a reason to go with apple when cheap phones/ service can do this much.

  25. I’m looking at getting a second hand iPhone 11 (or maybe Pro) to replace my dying iPhone 6S since there doesn’t appear to have been any major changes since then (other than the “pro motion” display, which is just a high refresh rate that has been on loads of Android phones for a good 12-18 months already at this point).

  26. Is that meant to be expensive? It cost me $1300 for a 11 pro a few years ago in the UK at retail price.

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