Ordering just sushi rice?

I love sushi rice but sometimes I’m not invested enough to buy a whole sushi meal. Is it possible to go to a sushi or other restaurant and order just sushi rice? Not regular rice that they serve in a set but vinegar-y, specifically for nigiri rice. Is there another way I can get this? I don’t have a kitchen so can’t cook it myself. Thanks!!

  1. First google result with “寿司のシャリだけ買う” indicate that Sushiro sell just the sushi rice.

  2. You can order 追加しゃり

    You’re supposed to put stuff on it yourself, but you don’t have to. That’s usually for delivery, but don’t see why they can’t just give it to you in the store.

  3. Some supermarket like sanwa also sell ready to use sushi rice.
    Back then bought it thinking that it was just normal rice. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  4. Get Sato no gohan(packaged rice) and sushi no ko powder at a supermarket. Microwave the rice and Mix them. Not the exact same but it will be close enough.

  5. Some supermarkets have premade sushi rice in the fish section. I know LIFE does, not sure where else. Small pack of like 6? I think. Not too expensive either!

  6. Thanks everyone! I went to Sushiro today and was able to order rice-only nigiri 🙂

  7. Since nobody has given a proper answer:


    Sushi vinegar powder. I personally cook sushi myself sometimes and this powder is top tier stuff. Combine with your choice of microwave rice.

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