What bit me and left this big red blotch!?

It’s not such a big deal, but I wanted to see if anyone knows because it’s the second time! A month or so ago I got one right on my buttcheek, which eventually healed on its own but took quite a while. Whatever it is got me on the chest this time!


Anyone happen to know what kind of bite it might be and how to fend off whatever’s eating me when I’m asleep?


  1. I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on Reddit but this looks like shingles or contact dermatitis, not a bug bite.

  2. If you look closely are there two “bites”? It’s probably Dani. I cover myself in tea tree oil because I hate getting bit by them.

  3. Dokumushi. This was always my ex-wife’s explanation for anything skin related. It was never clear exactly what these “poisionous bugs” were exactly.

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