Maiden name passport for flight

Hello community,

My fiance and me are planning to get married in August and go to Germany in September. Since she will take on my last name we wonder about the passport.
We need to buy the plane tickets now and therefore can only use her current passport with her maiden name.

Is it necessary to immediately renew the passport when we get married or could she use her old one with the maiden name?

The flight is with Air China and I didn’t find any specific information for this situation on their website.

Best regards,


  1. Hello Okamikun!

    Is your partner german or are you german? Or diff nationality? If your partner is Japanese and concerned with maiden name stuff, Japanese name change is separate from 婚姻届 konitodoke and can be done after that paperwork, so you could travel and do that paperwork after!

    I’m not sure about the reverse if she is german… but I assume it’s kind of similar. My American coworker marrying Japanese man did 婚姻届 and then after the fact went to embassy to do the name change stuff

  2. Name change is time consuming and it can be done after your trip. It’s not like her maiden name will be erased the minute she is married.

  3. You -could- book the flight in the new name, and provide passport info later, if the airline allows it. But, that is assuming her new passport can be processed in time for the flight itself. JP passport renewal is about 1-2 weeks, but you never know..

    Having her apply for the name change after the trip may be the safer option.

  4. She can continue to use the old passport until its expiry date, even after her legal name changes. Book the tickets under her old name and renew the passport later.

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