Hi! I just want to share my optimism and excitement with you regarding this new application cycle.

I am an alternate for JET 2022, and I have already lost hope of getting upgraded. Instead, I submitted a new application with my overhauled statement of purpose. However, unlike last time, I’m managing my expectations as getting rejected or being chosen as an alternate isn’t easy to process.

I am with the others who have already submitted their documents or are just about to submit theirs. Let’s not put too much pressure on ourselves. Life must continue despite all the odds.

Sending hugs!

  1. I was an alternate for 2020, and also lost hope so applied again in 2021. Actually got upgraded after I had already submitted the next year’s application (I think end of November?). So anything can happen!

  2. I just finished my revised SoP and application… this will be my third attempt. First year, denied. Second year, alternate.

    I’m not giving up, though, cause I was in the country before it had closed for those years and got booted when my home college threatened me with expulsion if I didn’t drop Japan and come back over Covid. I know how that sounds but I’d do anything to live in Japan again

  3. Submitted mine, my embassy does things differently since it’s a small nation our applications are physically submitted ( paper forms). Second time applying, frost time I forgot the medical self report like an idiot so I didn’t get a response, this time I’m 100% certain all documents are there plus I had the time to write and pass the n5 ( ik it won’t make a difference) but I feel a lot more confident this time around and really hope I get accepted.

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