Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 13, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. I saw this and was wondering about it:

    > ここは、絶対通すわけにいかねえんだ!

    I’m having some trouble figuring out what いかねえんだ is. It might be some form of いく?

    For context, this is something I read in a book, and some enemies cut a bridge that the protagonists were about to cross. The enemies jump out and someone screams this line.

  2. This is a question targeting mostly natives (or people who have lived in a school environment in Japan as well, I suppose?)

    We had a meeting with a native Japanese teacher (he’s native Japanese, but is actually a Science teacher) organized by my college, and he was very curious about our customs and how we use Japanese in class. At one point we said that we always reply「お疲れ様でした」to our teachers when they say it to us, at the end of the class. He seemed to find this quite hilarious, but since this was just a small social meeting we were too embarrassed to ask why… in comparison, when we added that we also often say 授業ありがとうございます he just made a “oh, that makes more sense” face.

    I’m curious, is what we’ve been doing a huge faux pas? I know お疲れさまでした is mostly used in work environment, but since our teachers never corrected us on replying the same back at them, we just went along. They’re not Japanese btw, though they have spent considerable amount of time in Japan.

  3. Can we drop で after bakari in this sentence? –>> さくら大学まで2時間ばかりで着くと思います。<<–

  4. In the novel コンビニ人間:

    「私の疑問に、母は絶句した。 私は、父と母とまだ小さい妹が、喜んで小鳥を食べているところしか想像できなかった。」

    In the English translation of the book, this part is translated as: “My mother was speechless, but I was captivated by the vision of my parents and little sister happily tucking in around the dinner table.”

    I get that the translation isn’t exactly 1-to-1, but I’m sort of confused on why the potential form is used for 想像できなかった. My interpretation of the text is something along the lines of “I could only imagine the sight of my family eating,” which to me implies the use of なかった instead of できなかった. I’m confused on how the potential meaning of できなかった is used here.

    Thanks for any help!

  5. 啓人「瀬能さんはカッコいい」


    啓人「俺はそう思ってる。この寮で生活させてもらうようになって すぐの頃から、そう思ってた」

    啓人「いつの間にか俺、 **瀬能さんを自分の中のヒーロー**みたいに感じてた」


    I’m confused on the 2nd part of the penultimate sentence and the last sentence. What does 自分の中のヒーロー mean? I remember asking about something similar to this but I forgot the answer.

    On the last sentence, I just can’t tie it up. My interpretation for it right now is “Because I was looking away, I certainly wasn’t running.” It sounds weird.

  6. This sentence is from the core 2k anki deck and it teaches the verb つぐ, to pour.


    “Let me pour you a drink.”

    I’m confused by the grammar here. I’d expect つぐ to turn into つぎましょう, but there seems to be an extra し before adding ましょう to it. Is it being turned into a する verb? Taking the stem つぎ- and adding the volitional form of する, しましょう? what is the difference between doing it one way or the other? Jisho is coming up empty because looking up the fragment in kana alone seems to be too vague.

  7. いつみ「永倉くん、いますか?」



    What does 渦中の人の声 mean in the last sentence? At first, I thought it meant “voice of multiple people” but the following dialogues show that only one person was talking beyond the door.

  8. つみ「このオーディション、絶対に獲りたいの」




    Why is 気の利いた in past tense in the last sentence?

  9. I have been drawing illustrations my whole life. I have also done a lot of “lettering” specific work. So I pick up shapes really fast but with kanji I find the “promoted” stroke order hindering. People tell me if I am not writing with correct stroke order I am just doing it wrong. I wont be able to balance the shapes. It wont look good. I find these arguments weak. I can write kanji much faster if I don’t care about the stroke order and the end result is still the same. The only difference using correct stroke order makes is that it takes me longer to draw it if there are unnecessary breaks in the suggested order.

  10. 芸能コース科ということもあって、教室に入ってしまえばパニックが起こることもなく、自然な雰囲気で来栖さんはみんなから歓迎されていた。


    What does 尽きる mean in the last sentence? I can’t seem to fit the meanings I’m finding in the dictionary to the sentence.

  11. So today I came across this kanji 尋 (尋(たず)ねる: to inquire)
    I just thought it looked weird (๑´•.̫ • `๑)

  12. なぜ悲しい予感は間違ったことがないだろう

    Is 間違う or 間違える the correct verb to use here? The original phrase is 왜 슬픈 예감은틀린 적이 없나, meaning something along the lines of `Why are my sad forebodings never wrong?’

  13. Saw this sentence today:


    The している followed almost immediately by another していた is glitching my mind, and the meaning is a bit unclear. Are they working on manga AND manuscripts, or just manuscripts for the manga?


  14. 〜うちには二十歳を頭に、三人の男の子がいる

    So just to clarify, the speaker is the parent of three male children, with the older being 20 years old?

    Also, what does the を mean before 頭?

  15. Who is the subject in the following sentence?


    Tithe reservations for the tour trips are going well.
    I don’t quite understand the last bit.

  16. こんにちは!!

    Quick question, is the Satori reader app just as good as the website? I thought maybe I’ve seen someone talk about how it’s lacking features compared to the main website.

  17. in the phrase 「鍵が導く心のままに」

    What’s does まま mean and what’s its kanji?

    Leave some common example sentences too. Thanks.

  18. 留学することにとても楽しみにいたします。

    Would this be “I am looking forward to studying abroad very much” in extra humble form? Sending an email to a professor and really want to get it right, thank you!!!

  19. ここでは普通なんです

    Why is it で instead of に? Is it because it’s implying that some action is normal or what?

  20. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I’m confused on how the microsoft IME works on Windows 10. I’ve downloaded the Japanese language pack and I’ve swapped from English to Japanese. Then I’ve swapped from half width to Hiragana but.. nothing’s really happening? Like if I type “a” it doesn’t convert to あ (had to copy that from google or use my phone input). Conversely it does the same thing for the Katakana setting.

  21. so, I have this movie title: “その男、凶暴につき”. I guess it is kind of figurative, but I’m still not sure I can make sense of it. “That man, due to brutality”? Is this supposed to address the things protagonist do, or changes he experiences because of “brutality”, or am I completely wrong about the translation?

  22. Anyone can recommend me a CBR reader?

    For context, someone linked to some Japanese magazines the other day. They are in CBR which I can open with 7-Zip, no problem, and see the images.

    But I was wondering if there is a good reader for this anyone can recommend to me?


  23. Found an example in which the です isn’t on the end of the sentence.

    ぼくのなまえはです(Name here)

    Why is that? Lil confused.

  24. I’m having trouble parsing this sentence. Can someone help me confirm I’ve understood it correctly?

    >江戸川区の調査は、およそ70万の区民のうち、14歳以下は不登校の情報が把握できているとして除き、15歳以上の区民のうち、給与収入で課税がない人や介護や障害など行政サービスを利用していない人がひきこもりの可能性があるとしておよそ18万世帯の24万6000人余りを対象に去年、初めて行い、8日その結果を発表しました。From: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220608/k10013662971000.html

    Assembling the bits I understood using general / background knowledge I pieced together something like this (but I’m really not getting the Japanese phrase structure / grammar!):

    >The Edogawa Ward survey was conducted for the first time last year and its results published on the 8th (of this month i.e. June?). Of the approximately 700,000 ward residents surveyed (except for children 14 years and below for whom school truancy information is known), the number who are 15 years and older but neither reporting taxable income nor receiving nursing nor disability benefits and hence possibly hikikomori is about 246,000 persons from 180,000 households.

    I wonder if someone might have advice about how to parse this? Or have general tips about parsing long sentences?

  25. Hi! Does anyone know why could there be kanji with commas next to it?

    I am reading a novel and the word 食いもの has a commas next to all the symbols.

    Sorry if I am not explaining it well!

  26. Hello !

    Looking for VN recommendations !

    I want to try VNs in japanese to practice reading and would appreciate if anyone has a good VN in mind to recommend. Preferably in school setting, romance or not. (or any other settings that would make use of lots of everyday vocabulary)

  27. Hi all! Just a quick question.

    When you write the location of a place worked at on a CV what is the generally accepted way of formatting it?
    For example we’d say London, England as it’s city, country. Is this the same when writing in Japanese?

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