General Discussion Thread – 13 June 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Just realized my trip back to the U.S. coincides with all my favorite festivals (including my ward’s summer festival) finally taking place for the first time since 2019. Terrible timing!!!

  2. Since the first time I had COVID six months ago, I often find myself having a fever or a flu. It seems that my immune system went all the way down. It’s getting hot again, slept with windows fully open and the fan on. Woke up with a cold and sore throat then developed to a fever. rip

  3. As a foreigner, how do you get a 独身証明 (proof of being single)?

  4. My kid joined band at high school and they’re practicing 6 days a week, including through holidays/golden week, which seems excessive, imo. I’ve been told the football(soccer) club does the same, including Saturday AND Sunday. I don’t think Premier League footballers are training 6 days a week. Rest is important, right?

    We are thinking of getting our son bass lessons over summer, which he wants to do, but the teacher in charge of the high school club outright refused and said he couldn’t miss days. He’s apparently already been warned after he skipped a couple of days to hang out with family who came to Japan for the first time in 5 years recently. He’s not been learning long, so they’d definitely be good for him, especially since there’s nobody teaching him at school. It’s just general practice and performances.

    Is this the norm, or showa-era bullshit persisting? Both me and my wife are fairly set on telling the school to shove it and letting him do the lessons over summer, but we don’t want to make things awkward for him either.

  5. Is it so weird to ask for more than a 500,000 yen raise if moving to a new job? Some (not all) recruiters express shock that I’m looking for a 1 million yen increase from my current job to move.

    Why would I want to go through the trouble of a probationary period again if it’s essentially the same salary?

  6. I am currently sitting in a meeting.

    The topic of this meeting is the timing of an upcoming meeting.

    After nearly 16 years in Japan, I think I’ve finally made it.

  7. I love my local Mottainai group as a way to get rid of stuff I no longer use/want, but ***DEAR GOD*** some of the people in the group are the stupidest humans on earth.

    Every time I post something, I include photos, include the size/weight of anything big, any damage, etc, and specify that it’s “pick-up only in [neighborhood] near [full name of landmark]”…. and every time, *multiple* [brain trusts]( show up in the comments asking questions like *can this [large furniture] be carried on the train? will you send chakubarai? is this near [completely different landmark]? where is the nearest station?* etc etc etc.


  8. Did anyone submit the mynumber application my mail? How long did it take to receive the notice of issuance? Do they tell you if you submit something wrong? Cause it’s been more than a month and I still haven’t receive anything and I don’t really have the time to go to the city hall

  9. Do you guys know what’s the space underneath the house for? Insulation? I am using it a bit for storage but not sure what is its main purpose.

  10. I need to take TOEIC (that English test the Japanese take) because according to my manager “you’re the only one who doesn’t have a score yet” 🙄 I don’t have a TOEIC score but I’m the only one who can speak proper English in my team. Why does a fucking test matter

  11. I’ve been more mindful of my weight lately, trying to lose a few kg. I have a dretec scale that gives a lot of details. I know the details are pretty unreliable tho (like fat percentage) but I find it really interesting that it suggests how many calories you should be eating based on your info (they have you input things like height, gender and stuff and save a profile for you).

    Guys. The scale suggests me to eat 1,000 – 1,100 calories. I’m 167cm and 55kg. That is below my bmr (which is a bit over 1200) and if you factor in anything else, even if I’m being a couch potato, I should actually be eating 1500 and if I do just a bit of light exercise (walking like most Japanese people do) several times a week it’s 1700.

    Idk, the suggestion of only 1,000 or so calories seems irresponsible. Especially considering a lot of people may not be as knowledgeable about calories and health to realize that’s an absurd suggestion.

    No point to this, I guess. Just been on my mind.

  12. I haven’t been out shopping much on my own since the borders opened to tourists, and there’s such a difference in the way I’m treated. It’s back to salespeople assuming I don’t speak Japanese and treating me differently from Japanese customers, sometimes acting like I don’t exist, until they find out I can, in fact, speak the language.

  13. Anyone else bought a screen protector on Yodobashi/Bic camera and have them installed there too? is there any service like that inside?

  14. I want to apply for PR, and in order to give myself enough points, I need to pass at least N2 on the JLPT. I’ve never taken the test and I never really studied.

    If I had to say, I’d probably be somewhere around N1-N2 in terms of speaking and listening. However my reading would probably best described as N4, with my writing at a solid N5. I have a pretty good vocabulary, only thing is I don’t know a lot of kanji outside of conversational and daily used kanji.

    What’s the best way to improve my kanji/vocabulary in order to prepare for N2?

  15. Is there a good seafood boil place in tokyo? I’ve been craving it for months.

  16. any recommendations for dinner sushi central Tokyo around 5000 yen that’s not hanamura nemuro?

  17. My sitting posture at work is shit.
    We had this group photo taken for the company’s newspaper and I did not even know that a human spine could take this shape. I need to fix that. I m kinda of tall and my desk is too low.

  18. In April I moved to a new city in a new prefecture. Today I got a letter from the city hall of my old city with a year’s worth of 市民税 and 県民税 bills, with deadlines starting from 6/30 (this year). The final one is due 1/30 next year. This has to be some sort of mistake, right? Has this happened to anyone else? How would you go about fixing this?

    I changed my 住民票 as I moved, got the paperwork from my old city hall and delivered it to my new one, so I know it’s not that.

  19. Had my impacted wisdom tooth surgically cut out on Thursday last week. Stitches to come out Thursday this week.

    I can’t believe it’s still aching, the Loxoprofen does nothing.

  20. I’ve been watching “the days” on Netflix and so far, I really like it (I haven’t finished yet). I didn’t know much about what happened in Fukushima so it’s difficult for me to judge the veracity of the statements. I’m surprised by how they portray the prime minister, It’s very critical. For those who watched the tv show, what’s your opinion? Is it close to what really happened?

  21. Can someone explain how juminzei (residence tax) works after you move to a new city in Japan… I just got mine for this year and it’s so small.

    1. I stopped working my old job in [Kyoto city] in July 2022
    2. Moved to Tokyo in August 2022
    3. Started working my new job in Tokyo from September.
    4. I’m still living in the same place from September
    5. Received my juminzei from [Tokyo city] today and instead of the usual huge amount with a lump payment/4 installments option… I only had 1 pay slip for a very small amount. Like, it’s less than 1万.

    In my last city, I always had a huge amount to pay but this one is so small?! Is this really it? Am I supposed to be waiting for another juminzei from [Kyoto city] with the rest or something?

    Is this because my company was taking it out of my pay check…? My old company didn’t do it but my new one does so is this it?

    Or should I go to my local tax office and be like, “Yo, I want to pay taxes?”

    Tried to look it up and I kept getting results for “residence tax if moving from Japan” instead of “within Japan.”

  22. Bought an office chair off amazon Japan. Manual says 5 year warranty. Call them for a replacement part after part fails they are trying to tell me Is only a 1 year warranty through Amazon.

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