Quitting Job after 9 Months – Full 10 days paid leave?

I started to work at a company in January and want to quit at the end of September. Haven’t used any vacation days so far and want to take them at the end of September so I dont need to show up there until the end. After working 6 months i get the right to take 10 days of paid leave. Does this also apply if I quit? Do i get the full 10 days of paid leave? Or do i only get a “share” of these 10 days? In my home country I would get only a part of the full vacation days (e.g. 2 days per month i worked there).

Thank you guys. I appreciate it.

  1. After 6 months of showing up at least 80% to work you get 10 days. You get those 10 days exactly after 6 months, all 10 of them. You could quit exactly then and take your 10 full days.

    So yes, you can take all your 10 days before you leave. But you have to take them before your day of leaving the company. If you don’t you just lose them.

  2. Your accrued holidays are granted in a lump at 6 months of employment (and again every year thereafter). Your employer may choose to grant them earlier, but never later. This is assuming you have 80% or better attendance – less than 80%, and you get nothing.

    > Do i get the full 10 days of paid leave? Or do i only get a “share” of these 10 days?

    You get the full ten days.

  3. You get nothing if you quit. You must use the vacation days before your last day of work.

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