Benefits of this heat

So rather than complain about the heat since there is nothing we can do about it I want to take the “glass of mugicha is half full” point of view and look at what the positives of this hot weather can be.
So to start I will say that one benefit is that my laundry get dry super fast.

  1. Blood is thinner and blood pressure is low. My thyroid levels are also lower. Maybe it’s the heat. I am loving it.

  2. Can save gas cost. Just pit out frypan on the balcony and let the sun make your sunnyside eggs for you.
    You like to eat your Häagen-Dazs when it is soft but don’t want to wait 10 minutes just put it in front of the window for 2 minutes.
    Want enjoy a Sauna? (Disclaimer: Need a room with big windows facing south, preferabily higher floor)
    Setup a few stones in the room on an aluminum tray, wait an hour and pour some water over them. Voila there goes your free Sauna.

  3. 1) It makes you appreciate the cooler/cold weather 1000 percent more!
    2) It’s actually a pleasure to go shopping-even for boring stuff.
    3) The cicada.

  4. * Social recluses like myself have an excuse to stay inside all day
    * The ‘warm summer evening’ timeframe between 6pm and 8pm feels amazing
    * Witnessing the first stages of human civilization’s ultimate collapse is kinda morbidly neat
    * The heat is killing my appetite; probably helping me avoid gaining weight
    * Nationwide, higher levels of Vitamin D have probably staved off at least a handful of suicides
    * Being too hot sucks but also it’s not like any of us actually missed a longer rainy season

  5. I’m able to dry fruit and veg in a net outside. Strawberries were a success, banana chips are ongoing, and I’ll try out some sundried tomatoes once next week’s typhoon is out of the way!

  6. Every time my Japanese DNA makes me want to groan “atsui-ne” I remind myself that I hate winter even more. I simply don’t function as a human being in the cold. Although I wouldn’t mind a cold gust right now…

  7. The combinis are filled with delicious ice cream (Watermelon with the chocolate seeds alone is worth braving the scalding heat to go get some), various pasta salads (all types with all dressings at 7/11) and the types of cold beverages too suddenly multiply to infinity.

  8. Evening grazing walks around dusk with the goaties are perrrrfect. Night swimming in the sea feels divine. Lots of smoothies and cold showers when those just aren’t as awesome any other time of year. Garden is pretty happy. Solar panels can power alllll the fans during the day so I am not stingy about using them. Husband is walking around half naked all the time which is foxy. I’m in my third trimester and don’t have to buy special maternity clothes because there is no bundling up, just wear my flowy summer wardrobe. People around are eating lots of ice cream and feeling relaxed. It’s not too shabby if you have a slow-paced life in the inaka.

  9. When it’s cold even if I have the heater on it never actually feels warm enough, my feet and hands are always cold. Now I set the fan and the aircon at 26 degrees and I’m super comfortable.

  10. Perfect for taking a cold shower, which offsets the air conditioning costs to a certain extent

  11. It’s so hot that the school I work in is letting us keep the windows closed. Also, nobody cares if I go maskless outside.

  12. Gaining heat resistance little by little so we can survive when the global warming hit it’s peak

  13. Uncharacteristically, perfect strangers strike off conversations with each other. 暑いですねー

  14. I’ve been going up into the mountains to a swimming hole. The water is nice and cold.

  15. Well I’m one of those weirdos that loves this heat anyway, so I can list plenty of benefits:

    – Much easier to wake up with the bright mornings (I’m not a morning person so winter mornings are the worst)
    – Feeling more energetic with the warm glow of the sun
    – I have dry skin that flakes in the winter, with pretty much no oiliness. But in the summer, I have the perfect balance of sweating that keeps my skin moist and looking much more radiant than it normally does
    – I have no issue walking my dog in the evening
    – Japanese women don’t ask me 寒くない!? when I wear a sleeveless dress indoors, even if I clearly have a coat (in colder seasons)
    – Ice cream and cold drinks taste better

  16. It makes 32 degrees feel comfortable in comparison! Seeing the forecast say it’ll be 32 degrees instead of 37 has me pretty hyped. lmao

    I’m gonna feel extremely grateful if it’ll stay under 30 degrees in the morning when I take my walks. It’s been like 33 degrees already at 8am lately. lol.

  17. * I love the cold showers at home. Not freezing and just the right amount of *brrr*. It helps calm down my eczema, so my skin is clear and not inflamed. Oh and cold showers save me gas money too.
    * I just need to emphasize the amazing laundry-drying capability of this hot weather. Man, just a couple hours and my clothes are done.
    * Because of the amount of sunlight that our bay windows flood into the house, we decided to put up tinted glass films on them yesterday. And now we realize it also gives amazing privacy protection. Makes me wish we’ve done this sooner.
    * The heat forces the people at work close the windows at last. So now no bugs can fly in, the AC’s cold air isn’t blown away, and it’s much quieter at work.
    * They serve ice cold drinks at our pantry area too. They used to always ALWAYS serve hot scalding tea, no matter how hot it gets throughout the year. Now they suddenly have iced coffee, iced tea, iced juice in the fridge for us instead.

  18. Swimming in the ocean is divine! No time did the kids complain it was too cold today!

  19. I personally love this weather. It’s when it gets humid that I’m dying. I feel like. Powered up. Of course I wish I were also at the beach every single day 🤷🏽‍♀️

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