Where do you guys get your PC’s?

I’m planning on a new PC just not sure what’s a good place. I’d rather have something like PC partpicker that could build it for me.

  1. Go to Dospara. They have prebuilts and you can also get custom parts (specify what gpu you want etc)

  2. Build myself. Parts are sourced from multiple sources like Amazon JP, whatever cheapest store at kakaku com and Taobao, since I am into SFF PCs.

  3. You can use the dospara site but personally it’s probably cheaper if you find the parts you need and use kakaku.com and buy cheap parts. Laptops I buy in The us when I go home, laptops are waaaay too expensive to buy in japan

  4. Dospara, Pasokon Kobo, Tsukumo are places that sell individual parts. Usually I just look online to see which parts are compatible, but usually they will have staff that can tell you before hand whether the parts you picked are compatible or not.

  5. I keep an eye out on the big BTO sites and wait for deals. With a really great sale you can get a BTO PC for cheaper than the price of the individual parts. Building your own PC hasn’t been especially economical for a while now.

  6. If you don’t mind the 1 month wait aliexpress is very cheap for stuff lol
    I got my gpu, cpu, and ram off aliexpress and got the SSD, power unit, casing and motherboard from yodobashi

    Just use one of the pc build checker websites to make sure it all lines up and it should be good to go

  7. I build my own since my first rig (back in 1994).

    There are many shops like DosPara, Tsukumo, Pasokon Koubou, Ark, etc. that will either sell you pre-built or bare bone and add/swap parts as you like. If you really just want some specs and don’t care about/don’t want to build it yourself I recommend to pick up prebuilt in one of these stores – it’s better price wise (unless you really enjoy kakaku everything) as they pay less for components as they buy a lot. Stay away from branded PCs like Asus, MSI, HP, etc. they’re all crap often without real possibility to upgrade.

  8. I used kakaku.com and amazon to search for prices, bought everything individually and built myself.

    As expected, pre-built PCs are **insanely** overpriced, but not only that, they always cheap out on very important parts that the average consumer with zero tech knowledge don’t care about, like the PSU, so I’d advise you against buying those and building it yourself if you got the time and is able to read manuals and follow instructions.

    Also bear in mind that most tech related stuff is overpriced here compared to the US for example, so you can’t always use the American MSRP as reference. Not unusual to see someone on reddit or somewhere else saying “Hey, this product is amazing and only costs $150!” then you check availability in Japan and it costs ¥50,000

  9. A couple of years ago, I used PCPartPicker to make sure the bits were compatible, and mostly ordered all the parts from Amazon; because I couldn’t be bothered hunting around.

    I only had a modest budget. With more expensive bits, it’s probably worth being more diligent with searching.

  10. Built my own. Parts sourcing parts from any available sources such as online shops and used parts if needed from Dospara or Janpara. I used kakaku for new parts to find the cheapest price+shipping possible.

  11. I went through the Japan Asus online store. Got it to me in about a week.

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