Night life

Hey everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to read my post!
I am a mid twenties, international student who just moved to Japan.
I wanted to try and go out to various events or venues, but I am so overwhelmed as this is the first I’ve lived in a city like Tokyo.

Would you have any recommendations of must have night life experiences or specific places to go for partying in Tokyo? Besides the hub, though it would be interesting to see what the deal is with that place.

Thanks everyone!

  1. Hub is a place you go to drink beer and eat food with your friends. It is not somewhere you go to enjoy the night life

  2. That’s good to know, I think I’ll avoid it then lol. Roppongi and Shibuya seem like a lot of fun though!

  3. Hub is a place to go for cheap food and drinks before (and sometimes after) enjoying the actual nightlife.

  4. Hub is a place you go to discover the nightlife and new STDs.

    Ahh Hanako, I think about you everytime it burns when I pee.

  5. Hub is where you go when you hate Japan and hate yourself, but you want to share your unfiltered thoughts about it to unsuspecting strangers.

  6. Roppongi – shit
    Shibuya – can be good
    Shinjuku 3-chome – good for gay nightlife
    Shinjuku kabukicho – Yak area but some good dive bars and music Venues if you look for it

    Do you have friends to go out with? If so I might recommend some other areas

  7. You can tell that how little people on this sub actually go out given that the only input they can give is trashing the Hub lol

    What kind of music do you like OP? Do you prefer clubs or bars?

  8. Tokyo has places ranging from dirt-cheap kaku-uchi (liquor stores that allow on-premise consumption) to hostess clubs where it costs several man just to sit down. Speaking Japanese will drastically expand your options.

    Assuming you are on a student budget and you’ve already eaten, something like (any of the three) 300 Yen Bars in Ginza, or “moon walk” are stupidly affordable to get your night started. Tasuichi in Shibuya is very internationally friendly. Many other affordable options–just google tachinomi–if you read/speak some Japanese. 晩杯屋 for example. Don’t be afraid to ask people you meet for recommendations. As you get used to the city, assuming your friends are primarily non-Japanese, you might gravitate towards the Hub just as a place to meet up because it doesn’t matter if people are early/late, everyone knows where it is, and the drink menu is decent enough.

    My clubbing days are long over but Shibuya seems to be the place to be now. For clubs you’re generally looking at around 5000 yen for entry plus a few drinks. My club nights generally did not end with *a few* drinks but YMMV.

    Roppongi was fun in the 00s-10s but these days it’s mostly scams or girls looking for VIP bottles to put on Instagram (maybe even both). Ginza Corridor was a regular haunt because I used to live nearby, but it has also kinda lost its luster. Maybe I just got old?

    Golden Gai is a dumb tourist trap, you can do much better even just across the street in Shinjuku 3-chome.

  9. The clubbing scene was so big when I got here in the late 2000s, but its much different now. It also really depends on what you’re looking for. Shibuya is currently where I’d say most night life is for young people, in terms of clubbing, lounges, etc. Shinjuku Nichome is the gay area. Kabukicho has nightlife, but don’t follow any pretty girls/guys into random places if they invite you.

    Womb in Shibuya and Warp in Shinjuku are two clubs that currently come to mind, but again, depends what you’re looking for.

  10. Thanks everyone! It means a lot to receive support being in Japan for the first time. Ill check these places out and hopefully expand on them!

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