Welcome back to r/movingtojapan, now… Kinda open for business. Why only “kinda” open for business? That’s complicated.

You may have noticed that we went dark as part of the protests against Reddit’s new API pricing, which would destroy third-party Reddit apps, including many that people with visual impairments rely on in order to participate here.

Reddit (The company) has been unresponsive, dismissive, and has outright *lied* about the situation, so while the original 48 hour blackout is over the protest is not.

**Where We Are Going From Here**

We are continuing to support the protests against Reddit’s unjust actions. But at the same time, we recognize that people need access to the information in this subreddit, and that some people have pressing questions regarding an imminent move.

Here’s what’s going to happen for the foreseeable future:

1. We have un-privated the subreddit. That means that everyone will be able to read our wiki and search past posts.
2. *However*… The subreddit will remain restricted (AKA: No new posts) for the majority of the time as a continuation of the protest.
3. In order to answer the aforementioned pressing questions, we will open the subreddit to new questions/comments for 24 hours on Wednesdays. (Midnight-Midnight Japan Standard Time, plus/minus a few minutes because we’re human)
4. We will be approving a small number of trusted regular contributors for the purposes of commenting/answering questions outside of the Wednesday window. This will be by invitation only. ***We will not be accepting requests.***

**NOTE (June 14, 2023):** Because Wednesday is effectively over, we will be open for new posts/comments from now (~9PM JST Wednesday) until midnight Thursday. At which point, assuming nothing changes in Reddit’s stance we will be restricting the subreddit until next Wednesday.

**What can you do to help resolve the situation?**

Complain. (To Reddit, not us):

Message the mods of /r/, who are the admins of the site

Message /u/reddit

Submit a [support request](

Leave a negative review on their official iOS or Android app

Voice your discontent in [Reddit announcement threads]( relating to the controversy

We will keep you posted if anything changes. Keep an eye on this space.

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