Weekly Complaint Thread – 15 June 2023

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. I got heat stroke at work yesterday. It’s just so humid. first I got very sweaty, but because of the humidity I wasn’t cooling down, so I was sweating more. Then eventually I stopped sweating (I guess I ran out of sweat). a few minutes later I’m so hot that I was getting dizzy and breathing heavily. I drank like 1.5 litres of sports drink / water and cooled down with ice packs over the next 40 minutes or so. Wasn’t the best feeling.

  2. Someone asked in group chat what the password for something was and I said hunter2 and all they said was “that doesn’t work” ☹️

    Also I hate my job. So annoying working with someone who is so confidently wrong so often.

  3. It seems over the past 3 years of masking some people have forgotten how to cover their mouths when they cough. Gross.

    I never thought masks gave you a pass for not turning your head and covering your mouth anyway

  4. Someone at my gym has incredibly bad BO. It’s not regular BO. It’s beyond BO!
    It’s summer, you can easily take a quick shower before the gym people.

  5. Was sleeping well but suddenly got itchy allover my body in the middle of the night at around 4am. Turns out i was stung by a mosquito. After that couldnt fall asleep anymore. Killed the bastard this morning though.

  6. Multiple:

    **Perpetual annoyance:** How difficult is it to turn off lights? At the end of the last period, every day, all the teachers except me just leave, leaving the lights, projectors, and so on one. Meanwhile, students walk into huge empty classrooms, turn on every light, then immediately take a nap.

    **This week only, I hope:**

    Had a biopsy last week (results not worrisome), but the end of one of the stitches got lodged in the incision, so I’ve got to wear a bandage for another week.

    Mother-in-law collapsed and had to be hospitalized Sunday.

    Five hours later, father-in-law collapsed and had to be hospitalized. The two hospitals are east and west of where we live.

    Monday, a bicycle trip to mother-in-law’s hospital is necessary, but the rear tire went flat Sunday day night, necessitating replacement of the tire.

    Tuesday, a bicycle trip to father-in-law’s hospital is necessary, but the *front* tire picked up two punctures on the way back from mother-in-law’s hospital, so that too has to be replaced.

  7. I’ve got my official research supervisor (professor) for my graduate degree, and one other person above me in my research project group (who used to be postdoctoral researcher, now is assistant professor). Official research supervisor appears to be trying to teach assistant professor how to be a professor by de-facto unloading me as a student (and responsibility for me) onto them (unofficially). I still answer to official supervisor, but whenever I ask questions or to try to make sure I’m on the right track, at least 75% of the time now I’m solely referred to the now-assistant professor. Even when I ask for official supervisor’s guidance directly, I seem to get brushed off a bit. There’s two problems with this though: assistant professor really doesn’t want to have to teach me most of the time (and often insults my intelligence, waits for me to spend hours or days of unguided trial and failure before giving me crumbs with little explanation, even when I ask direct questions) and worse, any instructions or expectations the assistant professor lays out for me do not always align with what official research supervisor wants/asks for/envisions. I often get chewed out anyway no matter what I do, because even if I finally managed to figure it out for one of them, the other usually disagrees. It has me completely burnt out and exhausted with 8 months remaining.

    I was told last night that I finally managed a decent model for the thesis (yay?!) and I was feeling relieved that I should have good progress to report by zemi on Friday. Except assistant professor was in the room when the model was tested, and immediately moved the goal posts to say that I needed to combine that model with another model (requiring me to backtrack steps and add a bunch more data and rework everything to combine nicely) before the zemi. He said this at 9pm last night. Zemi is Friday morning. I will not have time to do this and he just said “Why not? You can get it done if you work straight between now and the meeting!” Here I go toward a ~12-hour research day and it still won’t ever be enough.

  8. Why city hall is not open on the weekends like at least for half day?

    Do they want you to take time off just to get something in the city hall?

  9. Someone stole my belt out of my locker at work. It was an old belt so was going to throw it away soon. But still…somewhere between the time of 5:00 pm and 7:30 am the next morning, someone actually opened my locker and took my belt. It’s hard to imagine a student doing as the locker room is right next to the teacher’s room and they aren’t allowed in there. So though I don’t want to imagine it, it was most likely a teacher. I’m still in a bit in shock.

  10. I’m so over the whole “hide your face” on dating apps stuff here. Picture of ramen. Swipe left. Picture of Mickey ears. Swipe left. Picture of the back of someone’s head. Swipe left.

    It’s so annoying and defeats the entire purpose of these dumb dating apps. If you don’t want to show your face on tinder, don’t sign up

  11. I was at the gym yesterday and it was just two of us in the weightroom. A staff member working out, and me. An old guy comes, uses several pieces of equipment and leaves, not cleaning any of it.

    This staff dude doesn’t say anything. I let it slide because I’ve told the staff about it plenty of times but I just attribute it to the old dude being an old rude Japanese dude.

    Some time later, a young guy comes and does the same thing. Uses the cables, the squat rack, the smith machine, etc several things and doesn’t clean any of them. He finished his squats and immediately left the gym while I was mid set.

    I said OK this is the last straw, stopped mid set and ran after him. He was already out the door when I reached him with a spray bottle and paper towel in hand.

    “Hey, did you clean the equipment?”

    This engagement happened in front of several people because our gym is inside a big supermarket and there’s a lot of foot traffic right outside the gym entrance. He was all sheepish and then started coming back with me to the gym and I was like “relax, I’ll clean it for you” and he apologized.

    I’m very friendly and social at the gym. Love shooting the shit with the staff and other members, but the staff really sucks at enforcing rules. Gym etiquette is in the toilet at this gym.

    There’s spray bottles and signs everywhere telling people to clean equipment after use, return weights, etc so I assume it should be obvious that you’re supposed to do it. I think some people just choose to be shit

  12. Was woken up in the middle of the night by a massive nosebleed 😔 Anyone know how to get blood off tatami lol…

  13. I worry for the future of children. I’m sure it’s not a Japan only thing but so many parents here baby the shit out of their kids. So many 5 and 6 year olds acting like toddlers.

    So many toddlers and infants glued to phones or tablets.

    My neighbor kids sit in front of their house playing switch on nice sunny days. Other kids are riding bikes and playing while these boys play switch. One kid is getting real pudgy.

    I played games too as a kid but if it was sunny you bet your butt I was riding my bike or playing on the playground.

    Kids also seem to really struggle to pay attention. I had a kid the other day basically yell over a video in class because they wanted to tell me about cake they ate. Then they ran off and tried to open the door.

    Those kind of kids used to be a rare thing. Now it’s everyday I had kids who just can’t focus. They HAVE to flick their erasers. They HAVE to spin their pens. They HAVE to do SOMETHING other than focus. It’s very frustrating.

    10 years ago I remember having difficult kids but they never struggled this much to pay attention to what’s happening

  14. Bloody neighbours alarm goes off at 5:30 every morning and rings for an hour. They’re only home once a week or so.

  15. – couldn’t sleep last night, kept waking up.
    – Rant: been really angry at work this week and in general recently… if I’m not angry pretty much every day then I’m at least frustrated. Too many kids with behavioural issues/or they’re a danger to other students, my days are too busy all day every day (go go go, “it’s already 1 minute past the time, we’re late (for park/activity etc)” kind of mentality at work.), usually very little time to get tasks done, and my commute makes it so that I’m away from home basically 8-20:00. I’m even starting to lose joy for things I like to do at home too such as drawing. Haven’t drawn in weeks. Maybe even a few months. I’d rather lay in bed and waste time on my phone because after work I’m just too physically and mentally tired. Rant over.
    – it’s only Thursday.

  16. Pissed at guys pretending to be asleep so they can lean towards me on the train, I feel like it’s borderline molestation

  17. I leave in a week, but one of my cats back home died. I was worried about this happening, but for the oldest one, not her. Shit sucks.

  18. According to the weather forecast it’s gonna rain every single day on my trip. Well my fault I suppose booking a trip to Okinawa in the middle of June. Should have waited until Autumn or Spring I guess. Oh well..

  19. For some reason I lost like 5lb(2.5kg) recently and now all my clothes don’t fit. I tend to wear baggy clothes anyway so now all my pants are falling off the second I put my phone in my pocket. It’s highly likely this is temporary so I don’t want to buy new clothes but in the meantime it’s really annoying. For now it’s belts for pants with loops and binder clips for those without.

  20. My daughter wakes up at before 7AM on weekends only. Weekdays she sleeps till 7:30AM.

  21. My rabbit destroyed our sliding door. We are renting an old Japanese style house and now I don’t know how to fix it. Don’t wanna report it to the real estate company because they might charge us a lot. The little culprit is again locked in his cage (I feel bad seeing him not running around) until we can create a boundary or figure out what to do

  22. My parents sent me a flannel shirt I ordered back in March and it just fit so well. Most of the clothes I’ve bought here I’ve had to size up so they’re too wide but still not long enough and just don’t fit well. I really need to start buying more clothes when I visit back home.

    I’m having trouble loosing the last 2 kg to hit my target weight of 79. I’ve cut out snacks and are generally eating well but those last kilos are stubborn.

  23. The “Spiteful old people vent” thread was an interesting read. But it’s amusing how despite OP clearly stating that this is not a Japan thing and he has been here for the majority of his life and this is the first time he encounters such people yet people in the comment section still found their way to blame this on Japanese “culture” because everything happens in Japan is because of their “culture” right.

  24. My husband’s family’s old dog died, which of course is very sad… but my complaint is not so much about that, so much as the fact that this dog has been really sick for a long time (and possibly in pain, as he randomly yelped a lot) and I think something probably should have been done much sooner :/ This dog has not been able to walk for months now, and the last time we visited he could not even stand up. It was honestly just painful to watch but I think my husband’s family could not bear to let him go…

  25. Two minor complaints this week:

    1) The cowoeker next to me has had bad daiper breath and BO these days. I am not even sure if he washes his shirts regularly this season. I should pay more attention to see if it’s the same shirt for two days in a row. This guy also has a really bizarre memory problem He’s in his early 40s, but he initiates the same exact conversation almost every day. Same points and everything. It’s like the film Groundhog Day, and it’s becoming increasingly tiresome to try and be nice when I tell him we’ve already had that exact same conversation.

    2) I’m going to a pre-scheduled camp tomorrow evening and the weather keeps flickering from rain to sun for Saturday’s beach day. I know it’s rainy season, but it wasn’t up to me to plan the dates. Hoping it’s decent because I really want to tan.

  26. I’m allergic or sensitive to something lactose or gluten related, always have been but recently it’s getting much more painful and lasting much longer. For a few years here I barely noticed it but all of a sudden it’s striking back. Time to start a food journal to keep track of it. I love cheese and bread so…I haven’t really done a great job at avoiding it 🙁

    Bad timing for a flare up too, trying to pack and move out of our apartment this week.

  27. I attended an event recently where I was one in the panel of judges. This was our schedule:

    **9:00a Arrive at site and wait in judges room**

    10:00 Event begins and first half ends in an hour.

    **11:00 Wait in judges room and have lunch**

    12:30 Second half begins and ends in 15 minutes

    **12:45 Wait in judges room**

    14:00 Awards ceremony and judges comments speech ends in 30 minutes.

    14:30 Leave site

    Of the five and a half hours on site, 3hrs and 45min were spent hanging out in the judges room. The whole event could have easily been completed in less than 3 hours. Doh!

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