What’s the word count for the Aeon application essay?

I’ve tried googling it.

  1. Oh yea, I vaguely recall writing that, years ago. These days, just get chatgpt to generate it for you but increase “burstiness” and “perplexity” so it doesn’t get flagged as AI generated.

  2. There’s no maximum limit, but I’d say that you should probably write as much as you think gets the point across – I applied for AEON recently, and my essay was in the region of about 1200 words, though that’s mainly because I had plenty of points to make to really try to sell the idea. I’m pretty sure that something more concise and concentrated would do well too.

  3. I applied for AEON back in 2010 and my essay was about 500 words – one page, single spaced.

    Fwiw, I worked there for over a decade and really enjoyed my experience so feel free to message me if you have any concerns about the job. I can’t help with the application process I’m afraid – too much has changed – but I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about the work life. Though tbh it’s very much an esid sort of place, as working in schools tends to be.

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