2 Killed After 18-Year-Old Trainee Accidentally Fires At Japan Army Range

2 Killed After 18-Year-Old Trainee Accidentally Fires At Japan Army Range


  1. The article is all over the place. It says that he accidentally definitely shot to kill and murder them.

    Edit: busted words.

  2. Knowing how bad bullying is in the domestic workforce and school system in Japan, I shudder to think how bad it is in the military. We can count on the far-right, pro-military govt to cover this up with great diligence and efficiency.

  3. So it appears ops title is completely wrong. According to the article he murdered two people and injured a third.

  4. Might delete this. (Laws)

    Went to the JGSDF this year at April, and left at June (2months).
    I left because my Kanji and Japanese isn’t really there yet, planning on taking the exam again next year.

    The only conflict my platoon had really is just inner conflict with their own squads, however there wasn’t really any bullying. (Although Idk on other platoons)
    Everyone gets along, although there was an incident where a guy from 第一候補生隊 (idk what the correct translation is but probably 1st General Sergeant Candidate Unit, we was 2nd 第二), punched his comrade and was sent home.

    Other than that there wasn’t anything big that occured there.
    Our instructors weren’t strict either, on my platoon that is.
    Though I heard that some instructors are strict, they’re normally kind.
    My platoon instructor have said however that out of all camps in middle army command (中部方面隊) ours was the most kind and less strict.

    The most our instructor have done was when a guy wore a white T-shirt during training instead of uniform, and got drag out of the formation and yelled at.
    But even then that was pretty light compared to the screams and yell of my filipino mom.

    During shooting, It’s strict, and the instructors aren’t the usual kind personality, they take it very seriously.
    There’s also medics but they’re only there for heatstrokes.

    We priotize safety of the guns, whether there’s bullet in chamber or the safety is on and such.

    But never have we thought that someone would shoot another member, we dont focus on that.

    I don’t know why tf he would shoot a person, when June is literally the easiest part of basics. He’s stupid, that is all I can say.

  5. After watching more news I didn’t realize until now that the Japanese military does not train with body armor on like ever which is rediculous.

  6. Well for starters, japan will obviously play this down because god forbid their perfect record… The thing that baffles me (and I fully admit I know nothing) is why were there live rounds been fired in a training session? Blanks and bullet proof vests should have been the standard, no?


    And if this was a genuine mistake… it doesnt bode well for Japan wanting to get its army back. I really hope they dont. I know they have been petitioning to get their right to have it back…

  7. He admitted shooting them because of “human relations problems” but said he had no intent to kill, which is fucking ridiculous.

  8. >”fired a rifle at the victim with the intent to kill”

    Accidentally of course…

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