UR apartments room inspection

Recently I went to UR management center to inform them that I will be moving out from the place,
They asked me do you want us to inspect with you(立会)or 任せ since I wasn’t free at the time when they proposed me so I selected 任せ。
Did I just make mistake?

– I think If I would have selected tachiau they would inspect with me and couldn’t charge the damage I didn’t do.
Anyone who have done this before what’s your thoughts?
How much do they usually charge?

– Edit : I have been in the place for 1.5 years only,
– They also said they will inspect the room once I move and will tell the condition if there are any charges or not.

  1. When I was renting UR we did it together and I kinda talked him into lowering the fees as we damaged some walls and tatami ( wife loves playing football with full teacups). Even then we only had to pay 1man yen. They’re not out to get you and stuff you, just gotta pay for your damage. I think you’ll be ok

  2. When you can, do it together. I have no experience with UR. But once the inspector thought out loud: “and doors wallpaper” I told him why, they are good. So he looked and said yeah you’re right. Looks fine and didn’t count it. I also shut the electric and water and he had to rely on my word. Probably you should not cut it before inspection.

  3. I would prefer to be present when they do the inspection, but if I must choose one realtor to do the inspection without me then I will choose UR.

  4. UR is incredibly fair, even if you let them do the inspection, they won’t rip you off. My old place was practically destroyed by my kid, they only charged us 60,000 yen, which was a bargain for all the shit that was broken.

  5. UR is a lot more reasonable than just about any other landlord in Japan, but generally its better to be present during the inspection.

    I know someone who, during the UR inspection, got complaints of the bathroom air conditioning duct having visible dust inside it behind the grille, which would add to the cleaning costs. My friend simply removed the cover and wiped the dust off with some paper, and the inspector shrugged and moved on. Seems that was just a case of a particularly anal old geezer doing the checking, but its good to be there just in case.

  6. I lived for 2.5 years and paid like 3000yen. There were no damages, but some things looked like it was used a lot.

  7. Beware, this can be super subjective. Sometimes they hire an outside service and I got scammed for living at a place for one month (had to move due to weird reason to a different UR place) and paid 30,000 cuz the windows were not perfect and there was a small bit of dirt in the oven vent. Another time, wasn’t an issue, zero yen.



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