Question about 全身脱毛 (full body hair removal)

Lately when i browse youtube in Japan, i come across a lot of advertisement about full body hair removal and stuffs, they usually say something about it cost 0 yen and they will give 3000 yen amazon gift card if you do it.

Is it some kind of new type of scam?? Or am i missing something here?

  1. Did you miss the part where it says something about it only being for the first 30 people to do it?

  2. It’s not an outright scam but usually they have so many conditions that it’s not actually worth it. A few ones that I’ve heard of from friends (since I’ve been considering this myself):

    – They will tell you that the standard plan doesn’t apply to non East Asians since they have “different” kind of body hair, so that campaign doesn’t apply automatically.

    – The 0 yen is for the 1st session but usually you will have to sign a contract for 5-10 seesions in the first place. Usually what they do is only apply this campaign to the most expensive plan which can cost anything between 400-700k

    So it’s not as straightforward as it seems. You can always go the clinic and see how it is though, but this has been what I’ve heard happening to most people.

  3. They want you to come in so they can aggressively upsell you to something else and sign a contract.

  4. Try to notice some disclaimer and note in very tiny letters. It has many conditions to be applied
    Also once you come they will keep pulling you for more sessions and upsales like many other comments here
    One way I have seen they do this is that they will remove all they can in a small period of time, leaving you hanging, then if you want to continue then you need to come back and pay more

  5. Also there’s two types of hair removal. The one with pulsed light and the medical one with laser. In general the pulsed light one is the cheap one and the medical one is the one that is expensive but actually works.

  6. Also extra unrelated question, does anybody get a lot of advertisement about a company that can miraculously get rid of almost all of your debt or most of it at least? (国に認めた借金返す方法 or something)

    Got a lot of that before, is this also some kind of scam tactic?

  7. this was on the news. They says free to try but not free to leave. In the end you will be tempted to some monthly hair removal subscription. Total cost would be 300k yen or else it’s not even a business

  8. I would avoid those places altogether. If you or your friends are serious about full body hair removal, get it medically and professionally done with consultation with a dermatologist. They have the proper equipment and know-how. It won’t be cheap, but at least you won’t be ripped off.

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