How cool this SANADA would’ve looked with the belt

How cool this SANADA would’ve looked with the belt

  1. Way cooler. I feel like this version resonated more. I don’t care for baby face sanada

  2. He looked way better idc why he changed his look he just should’ve never changed

  3. Like does it not look baby face enough does it look to “scary” to be a baby face

  4. I’d be more down for SANADA’s transition from LIJ if his new look was as cool as the stuff he was putting on in there

    I like the majestic aspect of his coat but it doesn’t click as well as I would’ve hoped. He hasn’t had much of a personal motif aside from skulls though so maybe he makes something else his own later on

  5. I guess I’m in the minority that loves SANADA’s 90s style look and now makes him look like a bigger star. I thought in 2016/17 he looked cool and worked entertaining but since then he’s been very run of the mill and changed nothing and barely had any notable matches outside Okada, and even those were very similar each time to the point it got tiresome.

    When he came in at first I saw him as a future world champ but could t see it past 2017 and now for the first time since then I actually feel he’s suitable, albeit, I’m not in love with him as a wrestler still. But he actually feels and looks like a more top guy now

  6. It was a good look but I think he looks more like a champion now. I get that some people don’t like the more old school look he has right now and I guess western fans tend to prefer the more edgy looks with skulls and stuff like that but I think it works really well with him channeling Muto even more, that’s a classic Japanese babyface look.

  7. Nah, this look is fine but the moment he took off the mask with this look he had the face of someone they’d dragged off the street. Awful facial hair.

  8. IMO Coldskull attire is 3x better than what we currently have. And yes, the belt wouldve looked amazing with the one above.

  9. Not at all. That’s how cool.

    That SAMADA was a geek, a lower on the big stage. That SANADA was Okada’s bitch and one sneeze away from being Hiroki Goto as far as titles go.

    Current SANADA looks like a million bucks and dominates the scene no matter who he is in the ring with.

  10. I think he’s more bland now, and what the hell is this ragtag faction he’s with? Somehow they gave him a belt and made him less interesting at the same time.

  11. But that sanada was a cool outfit and not a ton else, current SANADA is a bonafide star

  12. I like this look better too but I don’t mind that he changed his look. I like when wrestlers evolve anyway 🤷🏾‍♂️

  13. That’s what’s been my one slight gripe with his title run transition. Cold skull looked and worked badass . His coldskull style felt like a top wrestler that was a threat . Cold skull gave off the vibe that you don’t know if he’d be noble one moment and an evil asshole the next . His current look and style is cool but it just gives off the same old plain vanilla handsome Japanese babyface which for me at this point is quite boring . I still enjoy his work and will continue ta be a supporter but this version of him isn’t my favorite and the operation of his faction is boring thus far as well .

  14. Eh, this SANADA would’ve flopped as champion just like EVIL. With EVIL, they literally emphasized the worst bits of his character while taking away any redeeming qualities. Quite the opposite with current SANADA.

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