Japan aims to raise female exec ratio to 30% in listed firms by 2030

Japan aims to raise female exec ratio to 30% in listed firms by 2030


  1. Could it be that maybe, just possibly, there aren’t enough qualified women that WANT to take the executive positions at these companies? What industries are we even talking about here?
    Let’s promote unqualified people into leadership roles based not on their abilities but purely on their sex. Yeah, that’ll help Japan’s economic future.

  2. Hahaha…30% eh? I mean, it’s a nice stretch goal, but let’s try to get into the double-digits and call that a success.

    My wife works for a major automaker. They have like 1% women in management. Not board level – no – I mean like even department manager.

    If we get to 20% in 7 years that will be a smashing success.

  3. My gf is a highly-paid senior manager at a well-known company. She knows she got that position because of her sex.

    And she hates the job.

    It’s too much responsibility that she doesn’t want and didn’t ask for. She wants to go back to her previous role prior to the rapid sudden promotions.

    I suspect she’s not the only woman who feels this way.

  4. Just gotta wait for all the old dudes to die off before the country can progress like this

  5. Plenty of women have been offered management positions where I work, but the women always turn it down. We’re begging women to be managers. Big push from corporate.

    But women don’t want the responsibility. They aren’t willing to work until 9:00 pm every night like the men. Honestly I can’t blame them. How are you going to be a mother and raise your kids if you don’t get home until after ten every night?

    It’s the hours and and responsibility.
    That’s all it is. It’s not sexism.

  6. okay so a repeat of their goal of 2020, 2010 and 2000. bet they gonna get it this time !

  7. Please no, there is enough violent passive-aggressiveness in the workplace already. :/

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