Kumano Kodo planning-itinerary

Hey all! I need some feedback about the Kumano Kodo hiking. I want to get the double pilgrim credentials, so Im excited to do the Kumano Kodo hiking

My itinerary in mind is like this:

September 30:
\- Koyasan to Tanabe
\- Spend the day in Tanabe

October 1:
\- Bus to Takijiri-Oji
\- Walking to Chikatsuyu and stay there (13km)

October 2:
\- Walking to Hosshinmon (17km)
\- Take a bus to Yunomine onsen to spend the night there

October 3:
\- Take an early bus to Hosshinmon
\- Walk to Hongu Taisha (7km)
Option A:
\- If possible, take the river tour until Hayama Taisha
Option B:
\- Spend more time in Hongu Taisha and surroundings and bus to Kii Katsura to spend the night

October 4
\- Visit Nachi Taisha early in the morning
\- Return to Kyoto by train


Does this itinerary look doable to anyone that has done the Kumano Kodo before?

Would option A on October 3 a doable option?

Any other tips?

Thanks 🙂

  1. This looks doable indeed, but make sure you are 100% sure on the bus timetables. One mistake can ruin the day.

    October 3 option A is possible too.
    You must take the bus leaving Yunomine Onsen at 0800 and arrive at Hosshinmon at 0837 (next bus leaves at 1326, so make sure to reach the 0800 bus!).
    Walk to Hongu Taisha and have lunch there, then take bus 51 from there at 1325 and arrive at Michi-no-Eki Kumanogawa bus stop at 1355. This is where the traditional river boat departs from. You will then take the river boat from 1430 to Shingu/Hayatama Taisha.

    The boat must be booked in advance and only runs if 3 people or more join in I believe. Can be cancelled due to weather, but then you just take the bus directly to Shingu (or the next bus at 1515 should you already have gotten off at the boat place).

    Just quickly checked the bus schedule on my phone now, please double check yourself 🙂

  2. Yeah looks good! Send your accommodation request immediately. The guesthouses are booked out months in advance currently

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