hi non-japanese here!

so i always wondered how do we call japanese people’s name’s

like example: Yasumi Sekine

what does people call yasumi yasumi or sekine

like what does her father call her

what does her friend call her

ive seen people like call japanese people’s name by their first name and also by their last name

so like what people that call japanese people by their first name

and who can call the japanese person by their last name

1 comment
  1. In Japanese, the way people address each other varies depending on their relationship and level of familiarity. As a general rule, it is customary to avoid using first names. Addressing someone by their first name is a privilege reserved for close friends, siblings, parents, or individuals of similar age who share a strong bond.

    Yasumi Sekine’s friends can call her by her given name, “Yasumi,” or they may use a more casual or common nickname like “Yasu.” It is also common for them to refer to her as “Yasu-chan.” The “-chan” honorific is added as a term of endearment.

    Yasumi Sekine’s father would typically call her by her given name, “Yasumi,” or may even use an affectionate nickname, but that’s a different story. He can also refer to her as “Yasu-chan.”

    In more formal or professional settings, it is customary to use last names followed by the honorific “-san” when referring to someone. For example, colleagues, classmates, or acquaintances may address Yasumi Sekine as “Sekine-san.” The use of “-san” is a polite and neutral way of addressing someone and is commonly used unless there is a specific reason to use a different honorific or title.

    If you are speaking English with your Japanese friends, they may ask you to address them by their first name only because you are a foreigner. They do this to adopt a more Westernized approach. It is important to note that this practice differs from the rules mentioned in the previous paragraphs.

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