Weekend Stupid Questions Thread – 17 June 2023

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Has anyone here moved back to their home country temporarily and rented out their condo why they were gone? Any advice?
    Background: We are planning on moving overseas for a few years so my wife can learn English and our kids can experience living outside Japan. We are planning going through a real estate agent, but haven’t talked to anyone yet.
    The condo: 2ldk 88m2 in quiet neighborhood in eastern Tokyo. 6minute walk to the nearest station. Less than 30 minute train ride to Shibuya or Shinjuku. Our mortgage is around 160,000/ mo.

    Would love to hear your thoughts and/or experiences.

  2. Are there any stores that sell pizza ovens (semi portable ones like Ooni)?

    I’ve looked around electronics stores, and hardware shops. Costco had one a few years ago but hasn’t recently.

    Is it just Amazon, or is there a chain of shops which stocks them?

  3. An akiya near me is going to be demolished and I’m worried that all the potted plants left in the yard will be thrown out. Would it be a ride/presumptuous to call the number listed on the construction sign and offer to take them if needed? (Tokyo)

  4. Have any alternatives to Ageha popped up? Looking for large crowded dance floors, not chill quiet vibes

  5. Does anybody else get randomly laughed at? I was outside on lunch break to get some fresh air and playing a game on my phone. A couple walked by and looked and giggled at me…

    The only reason I can think is because I’m so pale that even other white people joke about it 🤔

  6. Has anyone had experience with the overseas travel insurance offered on kakaku and hospital visits? Trying to figure out if I want insurance on top of what my kouhai has for his travel to China

  7. I’m a dispatch English teacher. I had to go to the hospital for a couple weeks at the start of the new school year in April. The school district didn’t want somebody unreliable so they “fired” me. My dispatch company has not fired me. I’m still employed but haven’t/will not be paid.

    What are my options here?

    Currently I really need to pay rent, but I have no money. I’m also on Japanese disability now if that means anything here.

  8. Hi everyone, made an account to ask this.

    My company just lost a big client and so they announced some layoffs… and as I worked directly with that one, I’m on the list. June 30th will probably be my last day of work. So I’ve decided to go job hunting for now.

    However, my visa expires at the end of July. If I cannot find a new job by then, can I request an extension since I’m actively job hunting? I heard about a system like that before (something about 3 months?) but couldn’t find any specifics.

    Any information or advice you have is greatly appreciated.

  9. Anyone know the legalities of having your break time be forced to be taken first thing in the morning? We’re talking break time 8-9am into an 8-5 shift. Cheers.

  10. Is it possible to pay the メルペイスマート払い using a debit/credit card?

    For some reason, it’s not giving me that option, only via my mercari points or directly from my bank.

  11. I just got an ETC card (hurray!) through SMBC and want to use it to drive to a work meeting next week. The company asks for “original receipts by mail at a later date” if using an ETC card. Any ideas how to get receipts from the ETC card?

  12. Has Pocari Sweat gotten stupid expensive lately? Post inflation conbini drink prices have added 10 yen to everything, but a 500ml bottle of Pocari Sweat is a minimum 175, and while that obviously doesn’t break the bank it just doesn’t feel justifiable. Especially since 100 yen 600ml mugicha are still around.

  13. What do people do to stay cool while sleeping without resorting to AC. I’m trying to reduce my usage of ac this year for both environmental and budget reasons so I’m trying to find other ways to stay cool if possible

  14. The detergent that i’ve been buying recently have been so crap, can anyone give any good smelling and good overall detergent for clothes?

  15. Where are some good places to fly kites with our kids? Nothing too high or fancy multi-string type. Just simple homemade ones

    Edit: to be clear, I’m looking for parks which allow kites.

  16. I am very curious about the situation of my vietnamese co-worker. So apparently, his previous company send him here in Japan but they put wrong information about his starting date in his visa. They put his starting date 1 year earlier than the actual starting date. His visa that time is intercompany visa, so when he found it out he pointed it out but the company said “mendokusai” and just let it go since he already got his working visa then after 3 years of working with them he decided to change to our company and apply for different visa this time engineer visa. He managed to get it and renew it for 3 years.

    He told me he is aiming for permanent residency here in Japan but I wonder if that previous visa information problem will affect his future application. He asked that to immigration before when he applied for change visa and they said its fine just put the real information this time on his application but I doubt his story tbh.

    Do you think it will affect this future application? or what the immigration told him is right?

  17. Is there someone super important today at Ise grand shrine? Saw a bunch of bodyguards and cops.

  18. Not Japan related but I know one of you guys will know haha

    Sitting in a cafe, which is quicker to charge my iPhone, the usb or the outlet/plug? Or are they the same?

  19. 1) is there a way to fix a broken charging port on a Huawei laptop…

    2) what are you guys thoughts on ai content generation? Just curious

  20. Thinking of buying an iPhone 15 later this year, does anyone know to acquire an iPhone that I can turn off the shutter sound?

  21. So I read that it’s illegal in Japan to carry a pocketknife that’s over a certain size and if you do you go to jail.

    But at the same time sometimes I see shops that sell full on real katanas.

    How do they legally sell them?

    Is it just okay to buy them but you can’t take them outside?

    Or maybe you need a license?

    Also why don’t I own a katana?

    And does anyone know who my real father is?

  22. Haven’t been to the post office to mail a package overseas since before the pandemic and got so used to ordering gifts online that now I don’t know the new procedures. I heard it’s a bit complicated now? I want to mail my niece a bunch of JPN goodies. Do I have to register the address or something? I can’t just walk in anymore and mail like before?

  23. Ha my second question on this thread: how do ENG speakers get hired by NHK for editing or other jobs?

  24. Do you consider Golden Gai to be a tourist trap? What about Tsukiji market area?

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