Calling a cab as a foreigner

Hello, tomorrow I will be in the Yokohama/Kawasaki area of Japan and will need to take a cab. I only speak English and I’m wondering how easy it will be to find a cab in that area or call the company to be picked up. Will it take a long time for the cab to come pick me up? Is there an app or website I should utilize for this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Don’t call for a cab because they will charge you extra for “reserving “ the car. Cabs in major cities are SUPER easy to find. They will be waiting outside most major attractions and hotels.

    We didn’t have any trouble speaking with the drivers. Have your destination pulled up on your phone and show it to them if, for any reason, they don’t understand you when you say it first.

  2. It will be easy to find a cab. There is generally a line of them at any train station.

  3. I go on the street and hold out my hand. Unless you are in an area with few cars I wouldn’t use an app. Just paying more money

  4. I used the DiDi app and it was super easy and fast. You put in the location you want to go, how you want to pay and at what time you want to be picked up and from what location. It shows you a map of drivers in the area, and ETA on pickup, and the driver already knows where you’re going so you don’t have to try to communicate that.

  5. I flagged a cab down in Tokyo to go back to my hotel and he spoke zero English and could read no English. So showing him my phone and the address did no good. It was a really tough ride.

  6. Just came back from Japan, just wave them down and they should stop. Just have a address ready to give the driver.

  7. Not to derail this post but I have a question, Can you hail a cab in from the sidewalk like you do in NYC?

  8. I use the S.Ride app – it’s in English, you can set pickup and drop off by address or map pin, and you can choose to pay the driver directly (rather than through the app).

    Though, reading the other comment, I can’t recall if registration required a Japanese phone number or not. I have a phone number registered, but I can’t recall if it was mandatory.

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