Do you put hot water in your blow up pool for the kiddies?

I’m from Aus, and we never add hot water to the kids pool. Just unheard of. Yet my Japanese wife and Japanese neighbors always add hot water to the pool to warm it up. How about you guys?

  1. I’m from Canada and my parents / grandparents would occasionally add hot water. Don’t think this is a Japan thing so much as a “your parents/family” thing.

    Both seem perfectly normal.

  2. Yes I do! Wife is Japanese. Otherwise I’m not sure I would. My parents never did. I distinctly remember being cold in the pool as a toddler

  3. We never did growing up. I am American. But yeah I think we might have done that in Japan when our boy was really small. My wife is Japanese. It kind of makes sense. Make the little guys comfortable.

  4. Never added warm water just tapwater but i did it early morning and let the sun warm the water up.

  5. We used to do it growing up in Vancouver (Canada) if the day wasn’t going to be sunny/hot enough to warm up the pool. The reservoir is in the mountains and fed by snow melt, so tap water is basically ice cold all year.

    In Tokyo the tap water is fairly warm in the summer so it’s probably not necessary.

  6. お風邪をひくから!

    Sounds something my wife would do.
    Kids need to be roasted and simmered in many layers of clothing and boiled in a bath that exceeds the protein melting point. Then dried artificially until their humidity is below zero despite the ambient temperature being 30c or so and body temperature above that, because natural drying is dirty.

    Otherwise they will catch cold.

  7. I grew up in Ireland and I have memories of filling the pool with the hose and boiling the kettle a few times and dumping it into the pool before giving up.

  8. I never do it. I only use the inflatable pool after the rainy season is over when its like 35 degrees out so putting hot water in would kind of defeat the point. My kids have never complained.

  9. No, set the pool up and fill with water from the hose at about 9:30am and by the time they jump in at 11, it’s starting to warm. Their after lunch swim is quite warm.

  10. Is this one of those hot and cold will make you sick type beliefs?

    Keep the heat at the onsen.

  11. From Canada. Never ever added warm water to any pool.

    “If it’s too cold dont go in it” was what my parents always said. It was rarely too cold.

  12. Yeah we do mix hot water and tap water. I never actually thought that much about it cos tap water is actually very cold and I dont like cold lol

  13. Not neighbours filled with just cold, but, they did fill it about an hour before kids went in it, so the sun warmed it up somewhat.

  14. Nope, that way lies madness.

    I mean, folks in Old Edo didn’t even wear underwear, and they’re still alive. Well, not now, because they died of old age. But when they were alive they were freeballin’ without detrimental effects.

    Likewise, cold paddling pools makes kids wild and tough, like City Hunter.

  15. From America we did this as kids too. If the day was warm the water might feel a bit too cold so added hot water to make it tepid.

  16. Nah, but my wife insists that we fill the pool in the morning and let it warm up before the kids can swim in it.

  17. For public pools and school pools, there is a regulation that the pool temperature+ambient temperature must be above 50c before people can go in. Someone has to sign off that it is the right temperature.

    I imagine people get usdd to this, and are timid about getting into a pool that is 17c if the ambient temperature is 26c

    Edit: I like to cool off in a pool and saw no point in getting in if this was the condition.

  18. Of course. If your belly gets cold, your exposing yourself to all manner of illnesses.

    That said, if my wife is not around and I want to do things the NZ way, then its cold water, touching dirt and other life limiting activities.

  19. It’s a hot day kids! Let’s go swim in the warm water! Make sure to cover your stomach and don’t eat too many nuts because you’ll get a nose bleed. And then just when you’re having so much fun we will put air-conditioning on 28 degrees. Yes, I know it’s 25 degrees outside… Pay no attention!

  20. Never added hot water to an outside pool. I’m just thinking about my dad muttering about lack of moral fiber, and codswolloping kids if he heard about it. Heck, he might have added ice.

  21. My Japanese wife does this as well…no harm done though so I don’t really care. Japanese people have a much lower tolerance to the cold than most westerners do.

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