Labour law or company policy: take hourly leave?

I recall a conversation with a previous colleague about the right to take leave hourly if working as a permanent employee etc. is this just typical company policy or do you actually have the right to take leave in more granular pieces than a full day? I always thought that yes, was a salaried employee usually working 7hr/d that one can take even just 1 hour of per law and not up to an employer. So far it has never been an issue but the wife’s company is suddenly saying that she can’t just take 2 hours of each day in a week while I’m gone to pickup the youngest from nursery.. that seems very wrong to me, especially as part of early childcare
Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  1. Most companies will do half or full days. Some will also do quarter days. Never heard of any that do hourly.

    It’s not a requirement for them to offer granular leave.

  2. I’ve only heard half day offs or flex time where you can leave early one day if you started earlier or make it up with OT on another day.

  3. Hourly is available everywhere I have worked in education (public/private) but I don’t know if it is standard outside of that realm.

  4. My company only allows hourly leave (actually you can take it by the minute) for up to accumulative 5 days a year ONLY for parents with young children or those who are taking care of someone at home

  5. I can take hourly leave, but I work for a public school. People often leave an hour or two early if they have dentist appointments or what have you.

  6. I can take hourly leave at my firm now but I don’t think I technically could at any other job I had. Although I did have one really cool boss who would let you leave an hour early or take a longer lunch so you could run to the dentist or bank or something.

  7. It depends on company policy.
    My company only allows full days, but my husband’s company allows hourly leave. Apparently it was only after after being acquired by a big corp, though. People usually use it to go to the banks/clinics/municipal offices.

  8. No idea about hourly leave but if your child is less than 3 years old your wife has the right to request to reduce her work to 6 hours a day

    > Employers must establish a reduced working hour system of six hours a day in principle for workers taking care of a child who is less than three years of age.

    And also she can be exempt from overtime.
    So not sure if that would help with nursery school pickup times

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