is it ok to register address on my residence card beofre moving in

Guys, I’m currently living in hotel for 2 weeks already, I found a house, but haven’t sign the contract yet because the house is renovating and not ready to move in, it should take another week or 2, but I want to register address on my residence card first cos bank/phone are pending on address, is it ok to do that? will the govement guy ask me to provide a house contract to proof? Thanks!

  1. It’s fine. They won’t care/ask for any proof. Obviously this has been my experience and I can’t say 100% it’s the same everywhere…

  2. If you haven’t signed the contract yet I definitely wouldn’t do this. While rare, it’s still possible for the deal to fall through. Also, lying to the government about your residence is probably not a very good idea on the whole either way.

    It sucks but just wait. Japan is quite anal with things like this.

  3. If you have a contract or proof of ownership, you’ll be fine. (Even then you might not even need that). If you don’t have it and they ask they are within their rights to block it.

    Source, I moved addresses before the final purchase date on my house purchase, as they wanted all proof of address and such representing the property I had just bought. City office checked absolutely nothing and just did it.

  4. You probably can. I don’t know though. Seems like it could cause some tax issues down the line

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