15辛 CoCoIchi is here

So after conquering the level 10 a couple of months back, I am thrilled at the announcement of level 15. Anybody tried this yet? The end is coming and I fear for the wellbeing of my toilet.

  1. I have tried 10 and while it is very strong, I did not feel any difference with the 7.
    I can’t really say I am thrilled by a 15…

  2. 3 gets me sweating and not wanting more, though part of me is saying “go for it!” so my pansy ass might order a “4” next time.

  3. 10 is doable but definitely upsets my stomach. 15 would be masochism unless you are constipated and looking for that quick flush

  4. I’ve had 6 and it just made it kinda hard to enjoy and I had heard that that isn’t much of a discernible difference to 10. Maybe I should just go for it and try it but I worry about my stomach.

  5. The last time I had 10 it was a breeze. Nice heat. I’m game. I grow and make my own hot chilli sauce with scorpion and Carolina reapers, so I can’t imagine it’s too bad.

  6. CoCoIchi tastes disproportionately spicy to me compared to other curry restaurants, I don’t know why. 2 is my max, so I can’t imagine even trying 10, let alone 15.

  7. I’ve done the highest a couple of years back, but not sure what the number was. Def spicy

    15 is a welcome challenge

  8. I have started making my own hot sauce cause the heat game in Japan is so weak. I look forward to this new development!

  9. the level doesn’t bother me I would like to know what chili they are using though. I have so many varieties stored in my freezer and dried. Are they using a Korean chili, South American a Japanese chili. Anyway . It’s interesting

  10. When I tried level 10 I want sure which end it was coming out that night. I sure as hell am not trying 15…

  11. At 10, I could handle the spiciness but couldn’t taste anything else on the plate. I might try 15 one of the days.

  12. not sure why people order anything spicier than like, 5. Doesn’t even taste like anything after that. Just spice and no flavor.

  13. I never tried cocoichi or any curry house restaurant. Because it’s really easy to make curry and cheap too.

    Is it really worth it?

  14. Thanks for letting us know! I got to level 6 at some point, now planning to try 10 and hoping to get to 15 eventually!

  15. For those curious, the level 10 was about on par with wherever a level down from whatever the top is at your local Indian/Nepal curry joint. Which themselves are already paced lower to accommodate Japanese palettes.

    There’s definitely heat, but honestly even the Korean instant yakisoba with the chicken on it is tougher to eat spice wise. Even the red Peyang yakisoba is about on par with it.

    I’m curious about the 15 though. Do they actually dare to make something that’s legitimately offensively spicy? Ie, the same as asking those same Indian/Nepal restaurants or Thai restaurants to give you the *real* heat on the downlow. I honestly doubt a chain restaurant would do it.

  16. I tried 10 the other day when I saw 15 was added. It was fine so I’m excited to see what 15 is like next time

  17. That´s because all of you are weaksauce. I’m REAL man, so I only eat 1 **辛** , which has to be the spiciest, since its #1!!

  18. I’m fine with spicy food but I just don’t find CoCoIchi improves with spiciness. Japanese curry is meant to be mild

  19. A lot of people here don’t think about the fact that CoCoIchi won’t actually give you the true 10 as a foreigner unless they see you regularly, as referenced by “no difference between 7 and 10” There is quite a difference and I’m not quite sure how they plan to up it to 15 without using pure chili oil.

  20. I just came back coincidentally. I always order 10 as my usual, but I feel like they have “strangely nerfed” the 10 to make way for 15? It didn’t feel as hot as usual to me anyway.

  21. I’ve been parked on 8 for years. I’m tempted to push it up all the way. As a footnote, I’ve had the level 10 several times in San Diego, but that’s maybe like a 6 in Japan.

  22. I had a friend who worked in R&D at coco Ichi. Said they basically had a copy kitchen with all the ingredients you would find in a normal store and would spend all day mixing things up and combining things. Guy was quite portly, said before he took the job he was a normal weight.

    He also mentioned, however, that they would normally test at the usual spicy level as that’s what most customers order. I think it’s a 2? He’s never even tried a 10 and said there is no way he could. So according to him, the taste is designed for the lower levels and anyone ordering a higher spicy level is just getting more heat without thought as to the taste.

  23. I had 3 just before my flight home to Australia. The next morning was not fun as I no longer had access to a glorious bidet

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