Leaving Japan for a few months & NHI

I’ll be finished with my work contract at the end of this month, and then returning to the states for 4-5 months. I’m wondering what to do about my NHI/pension payments in the meantime.

Does anyone have experience with this situation?

  1. You’ll have to pay them directly if they were paid through work before. You can ask if you can get them reduced if you are going to be unemployed for a while.

  2. I guess you were on Shakai hoken, thus you have to go to health insurance office and pension office to register. At the time explain to them you will be out of the country for a few and see if you can directly set it for the money to be taken from your bank account. Bring your bank note and copy for each the office and force them to take it. This way they will normaly be no mishap that you will not be able to handle as you will be out of the country.

    Are you going to be ok regarding visa ? If you have a work one, you hae to notify immigration in the 2 week you are out of job then, after 3 month or so, immigration could start asking you what about your job so you have to have one or proof you are looking for one.

  3. My NHI is paid annually and I pay my pension 2 years at a time (and get a discount for doing it, apparently).

    Time for a chat with the Ward office?

  4. Go work in Australia, you get a minimum $20 per hour. With an additional 50% for over 8 hours(minimum wage). Travel money can come back but experience won’t. If shit hit the fan while I’m here I’d be sweet and just come back with an overloaded currency

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