What to Read Next

I just read through Crystal Hunters manga books 1-5 with probably a 98% understanding of all of the sentences, and it was the most fun I’ve had with Japanese since I started. Does anything similar exist or what would be recommended to try and read next?

  1. I use JPDB as my srs, so it’s easy to find something new to read based on my stats. So you could try and utilize that site if you want. But otherwise, just pick something that looks interesting and give it a go! Congrats on finishing some manga ^^

  2. Congratulations!! If you’re already so far ahead, there is more than just one way to go here!

    With Crystal Hunters being graded in it’s vocabulary and grammar uses, you could go for other graded readers, like level 3 and 4 by [tadoku](https://tadoku.org/japanese/free-books/#l3) (free) or [ask](https://amzn.to/3HirgTT) / [taishukan](https://amzn.to/3AQeBFn) (for purchase).

    You also now should have a good foundation for reading manga in Japanese. I would check [learnnatively](https://learnnatively.com/) for recommendations on your level. I unfortunately only have a few reviews for manga on [dokushoclub](https://dokushoclub.com/category/book-review/manga/).

    Another option is to reread Crystal Hunters in the [natural Japanese version](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80636366). As the plot is pretty simple, it is still easier than most native manga and it even comes with a free [kanji guide](https://crystalhuntersmanga.files.wordpress.com/2022/04/chnj-reading-guide-1-3-v4.pdf).

  3. Crystal Hunters has a natural Japanese version, with a broader vocabulary and more natural grammar 👀

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