Possible scam website

Yesterday received this job offer on what’s app from a stranger.

That looks possible scam to me. Does anyone have similar experiences.



Location. front page

Company: SingularityNET

job responsibilities.
– generate data for users
– Optimize the ranking of the application

Work requirements.
– No academic requirements
– No work experience required

operating hours.
Scheduled to be completed between 10:00-22:59, the time is 1-2 hours, time and place can be freely controlled

monthly salary.
Full-time/part-time 600,000 yen-750,000 yen *Basic salary + commission + bonus

Employee Benefits and Perks
– Public vacation
– New employee bonus
– attendance allowance

  1. You received it via an unknown number on WhatsApp, of course it’s a scam

  2. Let’s see, you didn’t apply, they’re not a real company, no experience required, 60man a month starting. And you have to ask?

    In that case, you should apply and let us know how it goes.

  3. 110% scam.
    I also receive job offers from unknown numbers. Just report and block.

  4. Working 1-2 hours a day for 60-75man a month with bonuses with no experience required sounds like a scam to me. If it’s too good to be true it probably is

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