Question on HSP application from Engineer Visa

Ok, I am in an interesting situation here and would like to ask some questions, hopefully not stupid to some people.


34 years old in 2022 and 35 years old in November 2023. Came to Japan in Sept 2017 and going on 5 years this coming September, with the intention of getting PR in the future.

* I left my previous employer in December 2021 and recently started a new job on July 1st, 2022 (no salary drawn for the first 6 months).
* 2021 gensen was between 5mil \~ 6mil and I would expect <4m for 2022 since I will only be going to work for half a year (July\~Dec 2022)
* If I work for the whole 2023, I would expect >7mil (incl. bonus and OT) as stated in my contract.
* I have paid all my taxes and contributions including the months I am not working in 2022.

I am thinking of applying for HSP because of the added benefits compared to Engineer/humanities Visa, although my current Visa last renewal is already for 5 years, expiring in September 2025.


Reading the HSP point table, I would need 70 points to apply and I believe I **may or may not have** at 34 years of age.

1. Foreign Uni grad – ***10pts***
2. Top 300 universities in MOJ ranking – ***10pts (This is a little tricky, my cert is issued by University of London, conducted by London School of Economics and Political Science (Top 300). However, I did the distance learning option back in my country and not London itself. Will this still be counted?)***
3. Practical Experience (started working overseas in November 2015, before transfer to Japan in 2017. Continuous except the 6 months I mentioned, so considered 6.5 years? **please advise**) – ***10pts***
4. JLPT N2 – **5pts (Will be taking N1 this July so hopefully 10pts)**
5. Salary for 2021 is 5mil range, 2022 as mentioned will be in the 3-4mil range and 2023 will be in the 7mil range. **Will immigration take my 2022 gensen as a gauge or per company contract of expected earnings which I will receive in 2023. This is something to consider because in 2023, I will be 35 years old so 7mil salary and age will constitute to a -10pts compared to if I will to apply this year.**

a) Apply this year at 34 years considering IF immigration sees 2021 Gensen: **10+15pts(2021) = 25pts**

b) Apply this year at 34 years considering IF immigration sees contracted salary: **10+25pts = 35pts**

c) Apply in 2024 at 35+ years considering IF immigration sees 2023 Gensen (I can only apply in 2024 since I will receive the >7m gensen in December 2023): **5+25pts = 30pts**

**Total points:**

Considering I fail N1:

Scenario a) : 10+10+10+5+25: 60 (Ineligible)

Scenario b) : 10+10+10+5+35: 70 (Eligible)

Scenario c) : 10+10+**15**\+5+30: 70 (Eligible)

Reason for 15 in c) is because I would have >7years practical experience so +5pts

(Please note I only consider points I already definitely have, things may change like salary increment, N1, etc)


1. Please advise on how will immigration look into your salary? By new contract or only strictly by gensen? ***This is the most important as it will affect my points due to timing of application regarding my age.***
2. Scenario C seems like the most practical way, which I have a feeling that MOJ only sees Gensen but I will be 36 years in 2024 and my 7th year in Japan. Will it still be worth the trouble and fees to get HSP, since I am only 3 years away from applying for PR? 3 years is a lot actually. LOL


However, in Scenario C, there is a way I could just apply for PR straight with the following possibility:

* Getting N1 : +5pts (not hard to attain)
* If salary bumped to >8m or passing my foreign qualification related to work (still studying) : +5pts

10+10+15+10+5+30 = 80

Of course getting bumped to 8m or passing my qualification is hard and if I fail that, I would be stuck with 75pts, which is frustrating. I’m not betting on PR straight unless some miracle happen but in the case it does happen, its the best.

How strict is MOJ in regards to the age timing? I have until November 2023 to turn 35 officially…

Appreciate any insights and comments and sorry for the long post!

  1. You should speak with your HR. I think your employer has to sort it for you.

  2. What benefit are you talking about ? It’s kind of the opposite, it’s less flexible due to being tied to your employer.

  3. 3. They will ask for formal certificate with details of employment duration by your past employers. So yeah 6.5 years is correct. (Note) this is Limited to practical experience pertaining to the work which the applicant intends to engage in.

  4. Distance Learning : I had the same situation and was encouraged to reply and mention the same in letter for PR. I had called different immigration offices and all mentioned that it should be ok but cant give a clear reply and therefore encouraged to apply.

    Salary : If 80 points then Past 1 year and coming one year(mikominenshu hyo is what they will use for points).. I had same doubts when I applied.

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