Weird agricultural discharge, should I report?

I live next to the sea in kanagawa, in a small farming community and there’s a big rainwater outlet directly to the sea that basically dumps all the excess water in our area to the sea.

it’s been fine and clean the whole time I’ve lived here, but day before the whole water went milky white, pooled a bit and now the outlet has hundreds of dead fish…

I’m wondering if I should report this to some gov. agency…

  1. Where is this exactly? Should I be worried to go to the ocean.
    Hope u have pics so that u can cause a ruckus on twitter

  2. 100s or dead fish sounds like something you need to report. Wherabouts is this? I’m also in Kanagawa near the sea…after big rainfalls sediments do get carried into the sea turning it opaque but yeah fish shouldn’t die from that tho…

  3. And if this is a metaphor because you’re not comfortable talking about the issue directly, consult your 泌尿器科 immediately.

  4. Hi, I’m not in Kanagawa but work for local government. Does the discharge have some kind of smell as far as you can tell?

    Please contact your local city/town/village office if you can find an after hours number. If not, in working hours is ok or even the police if you’re close to a station or koban.

    My department deals with this and we appreciate knowing as soon as possible so as to trace the source.

  5. Definitely. Discharges to the sea like that can cause significant ecological damage.

  6. Yeah lmao, not so fun fact, a disease originated from one of those, it was called minomata disease.

  7. Take some photos as well in case it washes out. Can you take a sample with a water bottle too. Industrial pollution is no joke, there should be consequences

  8. So weird because there are canals all over my neighborhood (in Fukuoka) and I noticed yesterday for the first time in 5 years that the water was suddenly milky white looking. No dead fish as far as I saw, though. We’re a few kilometers from the ocean but the canals do hit the river where the water is starting to get brackish.

  9. I’ll try to figure out tomorrow who to contact.

    The discharge was yesterday, my son was playing a bit downstream 🙁

    Unfortunately I didn’t get a sample or pictures of it yesterday, bit of an oversight. I only realised today when I saw all the dead fish that hey this might be something :/ I took pictures today for sure.

    The discharge didn’t have any smells or odors, my sons legs are completely fine.

    This is very much at the bottom of the Miura peninsula, our waters here are see-through, darn clean. The little beach and port this outlet discharges is actually officially a fishing port, not very active but a few fishermen do dock there and live in the village.

    They might be very interested in this.

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