What to expect when flying with a 12mo old?

Want to fly through ANA back home for a couple of weeks and the flights will be about 14hr. Anyone have tips and experience they can share?

  1. Did it with my daughter on a 3 hour flight before the pandemic and it was rough…

    Bring an iPad and load it up with games and coca melon / super simple songs

  2. I did with 6 months was ok as he sleep and milk, had to hold him and walk time to time, bought business class as people on economic already suffer too much 😂.
    One year little more difficult. 14 hours is a lot , I will definitely control sleep time, also try to enter the plane as late as possible , going in and waiting 30 minutes for everybody to sit is hard..

    Rule is born until 6 months ok. 6 months to 2years and half avoid long flying.

    When he was 2 we went to Singapore , night fly 7 hours no big deal. Go and back sleep.

    I fly again when he was around 3 and was ok (a lot of books, stickers , juice, toys, draw , kids snack), and I select sit near other infants just in case one cry we can join the party.

    Some people do iPad or games. That’s up to parents.

  3. Tell them the plan before you go! Look at books about airplanes. Explain what it’s all about in a way they can understand. The flight and where you’ll be when you land, who you’ll see, when you’ll come back etc. it makes a difference!

  4. Bring snacks, small toys and a tablet if you have one. If the flight leaves later in the day, you should be fine. Baby will sleep and you can deal with jet lag once you have a proper bed to sleep in. An early morning flight will be a lot harder. Pacifiers or bottles can help release pressure in the ears.

    Get an aisle seat so you can quickly take the kid to the toilet if their diaper leaks or they spill something, but DO NOT let that child be a lap infant. You will hate it. I did a 14 hr flight with a 2mo lap infant and it was hard enough. If you have enough people to fill a side row, definitely do that. The windows have a little extra space and if kiddo decides to kick, you can redirect the kicks to a wall.

    Overall, it’s not a terrible experience. Toddlers are harder than tiny babies, but if you’re prepared, you’ll be fine.

  5. ANA also have bassinet beds up to a certain age that you can request in advance. They are beds that attach to the bulkhead (wall) in front of certain seats on the plane for smaller children who do not rate their own seat. When my children were small we made sure to get seats with those available. Otherwise, you know what entertainment your 1 year old enjoys so make sure to have plenty of that for the long trip. One of my kids was perfect every flight we took no matter how long. My other kid was a normal baby…crying when ears adjusted, cried when landing, and wiggly the whole flight unless they were asleep. The hanging bassinet helped a ton with that.

  6. Good luck. Done it multiple times. Bring whatever keeps them busy. Bring food they like as they may not like the plane food or timing may not match. Don’t expect much sleep so come prepared.

    It won’t be fun.

  7. …is it an option not to? I already feel sorry for everyone who has to sit around that for 14 hours. If the baby sleeps that’s lucky and all good but if not… Sorry for being an ass but just saying what’s probably gonna be on everyone’s mind around you.

  8. Sorry for your loss OP. Know in advance it will suck. Once you make peace with that, you’ll be fine. Breastfeeding and some new toys help but flying with a 12mo is no picnic.

  9. My mother 28 years ago would make sure we were hungry for takeoff and landings, so we weren’t screaming bloody murder because of the air pressure in our ears.

    Just a thought.

  10. Check your hold luggage limit. Mine was 25kg so enough to fit the baby in with some snacks.

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